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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Wow, this is really interesting. I can get a better-than-iPad camera for the Raspberry Pi for a very good cost. 8 megapixel. About $25 dollars.


But do you know what’s really really interesting? I can also get a NoIR camera for the same price; that is, the same camera chip, but without the infrared filter (hence, No InfraRed, or NoIR for short). But, what makes this really really interesting is that I now have a really cheap way to do the obscure so-called “Scanning From Heating” technique whereby one can acquire 3D scans of transparent objects by heating up a spot on them and using heat differentials on an infrared camera to compute the geometry and material of the object in question. If you have any suspicions that there is an invisible man or otherwise lurking around, you could use such a scanner to confirm them, even if you cannot see this invisible being.