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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

3D scanner notes continued. Okay, after some long and careful thought, I came to some very interesting solutions for the 3D data storage problem.

First of all, let me remind you of the conventional method. The conventional method of 3D data storage is to store a mesh as a list of points and a list of point indices defining the triangles that connect them.

However, I’ve found an alternative method that is not only easier to store via analog means, but also is more intuitive to someone who is not experienced in 3D computer graphics, but is experienced in the current state-of-the-art of “non-technical” or “basic” computer use.

In short, we define a 3D model using a series of 2D images.

The most important 2D images for the definition of the 3D geometry are the depth maps. These are basically 2D images where the color of each pixel defines the distance of a point from the camera, in some sort of way. Note at this point that I am thinking of at least two different ways to define this.

So anyways, you can also store some metadata in addition to that image recording various parameters like focal length, camera position, and camera angle. You see, it is very easy to print out such data, and it may also be possible to perform lossless digital scanning and printing of such data, so it works as both a data storage format and an archival format.

Okay, so here’s how things go. Note that there are many image processing properties that are simplified in the case of spatial geometric data compared to color image data. Let’s start with how to build a mesh from only a single depth map. This is easy. First you start with “edge detection.” An edge is by definition a boundary between two adjacent pixels that exceeds threshold value. With color images, image noise makes this process more complicated, as you may have a logical object with some bright and dark spots in the middle, but with depth maps, that cannot happen. Points have to be spatially adjacent to each other in order for them to define logically part of a continuous surface that is within the measurement resolution of the sensor system, so you can just use simple absolute thresholding here to detect the edges. Once you’ve identified the edges, all other pixels form continuous surfaces and can therefore be connected directly to each other in the 3D polygon mesh.

Then, with enough such images and their positional data, you can lay them all out in a single 3D space and “stich” them together like you would a 2D panorama image. Here, you’ll need to use various algorithms to determine which surfaces to include and exclude, namely when you have conflicting points, you want to choose only the highest quality scan points as the tie-breaker, and then when there are no other tie breakers left, you use conventional tie-breaking mechanisms such as first-scanned point, last-scanned point, blend, or some other user manual intervention. Finally, you can store such parameterization to recreate a series of 2D images that can completely automatically be turned into a single 3D model.

Cool! And it turns out that with today’s conventional data storage technologies, all of those techniques can be cleanly contained as a mapping reduction within the current state-of-the-art of standardized mass-market storage formats such as PDF and printed paper sources.

Now, you may be thinking, “Yeah, that works and all, but can’t you make a 3D system that uses binocular vision just like the human visual system?” Yes, you can, but you see, we all know that the human visual system is not remotely similar to our photographic technologies and storage systems. You see, the big difference between human memory and photographs are that photographs provide an exact recording of sensor values of the real world, whereas human memory goes through this finicky recording process that may produce erroneous results. The same is true with human binocular vision. With optical binocular vision, you actually don’t know for sure the distance of certain points because the most important step in making such a system work is to guess which points in the left image match with points in the right image. You see, right there, that’s where you are breaking the rules of recording only “known sensor values” from photographic input sources. Furthermore, it is sometimes not possible to extract any depth perception information if the colors are too similar within an image region. So, although such a vision system can work some of the time, it is far from a uncompromised photographic recording of the real world.

Hence, only the real-world measurement techniques presented below are to be used for depth mapping of objects. Note that these techniques come with caveats too, but their caveats are not as great as those of optical binocular vision systems for depth perception.

Also note. Medical imaging uses very dense 3D image maps. One way to store this would be to use one sheet of paper as a slice in the 3D data. Yes, conceptually easy, but such a method consumes a prohibitive amount of material and space for storage.

So, you see, what’s going on here with this 3D storage technique. We’re not trying to store all available 3D data. Clearly doing so would be prohibitive in storage requirements using traditional paper, but I demonstrate this technique to show that indeed, for typical 3D scans and 3D models of objects, there exists a readily straightforward way to export the data to printed paper documents, then import it back into a computer system. This is important because computer systems tend to be finicky with lots of upgrades and incompatibility as an older generation of technology becomes obsolete and is no longer supported by the newer generation of technology.