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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Oh yeah, and notes on the computer user growth. Nowadays, the largest computer user growth is in smartphones. But, don’t be fooled. Obviously, you can’t do as much with a smartphone as you can with a laptop or desktop PC. So let’s put it this way. We have reached a certain inertial point in the number of people who use desktop and laptop computers. We could say that they have reached the limits of human capabilities, and humans are not capable of doing any more with such machines. BUT, note that people still must program computers, and for that, one needs some sort of convenient development environment, hence desktop and laptop computers. And, computation inside of data centers is scaling up significantly. So there you go. Back-end servers where they cannot be seen or heard, there mainly to fuel the demands of smartphones that cannot compute on their own.

Anyways, here we take a look at some of Raspberry Pi’s competitors.
