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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So why doesn’t everyone use a photographic inventory system? Short of complacency, people have no other excuses due to the sheer ease of using such a system and the dramatic payout from doing so. Especially the great degree of precision and short amount of time investment required. Well, it turns out that people are complacent, and very many of them so. They tend to be complacent except when a political force says that they must be more efficient or else. The unfortunate reality.

So that’s why you don’t see very good uptake of new technologies to improve productivity and efficiency among individual personal users.

Yeah, totally, like you don’t need to draw pictures every time you change something.

But hey! Come on! Again, I reiterate, because this is important! I cannot emphasize this enough. It is tremendously easy to photograph objects. Every single time I come out, I am amazed at the results that I can get out with so little effort put in.