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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

  • The idea. Loaning objects? Distance equations, and use factors. Then what about a robotic warehouse? Wouldn’t that be the most competitive?

    • It would, but it is not a practical reality at the moment. Human-operated computers, on the other hand, are.

    • But still, it’s an interesting future vision. The idea that people would want to personally own less so that they can have the conveniences of the robotically automated management system.

      • And the living reality that this is already the case. The fact that people tend to buy things online or go to a store when they want something rather than realizing and using the objects in their immediate vincity. That there is in fact a strong market demand for this.

        • But also the reality that people put things in their local vincity and forget about them. Why did they bring them there? Because it would be more convenient for short-term use.

          So also the potential there for new technologies. Ones that can better integrate with the robotically managed facilities.

        * Yes, yes, yes.  Again, I reiterate, because this is
          important!  Technology complacency is always an integral
          part of human psychology.  Even when there is a more
          technological solution to a particular problem, that
          doesn't mean that people will take advantage of it.  So
          even after we design all kinds of technologies to solve
          all the worlds problems, we'll still have those problems
          in the world simply due to some people neglecting to
          pick up the technology that helps them solve the

          In other words, it's not possible to solve all the
          world's problems through technology.  Again, I
          reiterate, because this is important!  Yeah, it really
          is like you said before.