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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

  • My desire for 3D printing? What is that? It is the embodiment of consciousness: having control and direction over the world and one’s environment. So, that’s why.

  • What do people really want? Conscious force. But they don’t necessarily want to control everything in the world, i.e. other people. Mainly, they want “enough” conscious force.

    • In a highly constrained physical world, paradoxial. The difference between mere intelligence and consciousness. And, the lowest level, rote-mechanical simulation of the constraints.
  • The nature of communication. How when I was 4, I wish, wish, wish I could have on-demand access to the information. The technology is available to do that now.

    • But, for many, it remains untapped potential. Why? Political reasons. But ultimately, it remains a philosophical battle, war, over consciousness, the haves and have-nots. A game of winners and losers.

    • Also, also the observed problems. Especially among adults, and for communication aimed at adult readers, we have this problem with “fake news.” But, most importantly, fake technology news. People are afraid of new technologies? That is a jealous privilege possessed by adults that children simply don’t have access to. Children don’t get told about future technologies forthcoming because they are denied access to those information sources. Rather, they see technology for what it is in the present. Get in front of it, play around with it, and see what it can do. You’ll discover its strengths and weaknesses right away.

      I keep thinking about this when I think about the things I do in my free time. What is delaying me from working on hobby projects where a substantial product is built? Reading news from the Internet? Why do I do this if I know it is not as useful or productive.

  • Computational intelligence, simplest from hardest. Mere simulation, intelligent analysis, consciousness.