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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, to discuss the implementation of the linear regression algorithm in more detail. What algorithms will be used? Which libraries will I pick that implement my desired algorithm? Will I end up writing my own algorithm?

So, to answer these questions, we need to discuss the math in more detail so we know what we need and what we don’t need.

As discussed earlier, 16-bit linear unsigned integers will be used for light intensity data. The only other variable that needs to be correlated is time index or angle index. That, as I’ve just hinted, needs only an integer, not a floating point number. As it turns out, this means that the linear regression computation needs only integer arithmetic. Additionally, it turns out that there are more accurate and efficient methods for computing the row-reduced echelon solution of an integer matrix, namely the Bareiss algorithm. Gaussian elimination generally only works on floating point matrices.

Unfortunately, as it turns out, BLAS and LAPACK, the math libraries I was planning on using, do not have integer arithmetic methods, only floating point. Thus, I have to consider different libraries. IML – Integer Matrix Library, may be one choice, but it looks like that may actually use floating point under the covers because it depends on BLAS. Another option may be fflas-fpack, designed specifically for computing on finite fields (i.e. machine integers), but I think we are getting ahead of ourselves here.

As a matter of fact, I’ve played around in GNU Octave to compute quadratic regressions and it worked quite well. Upon a closer examination of the source code, the method used is Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.

  • Finally, let’s think about the common sources of error in a typical 3D scan. It appears that the samples for the Gaussian elimination will almost always be well-conditioned, which means that the main source of error I’ll be seeing will be from the 3D scanning process itself, not from the algorithms I use to collect the data.

Furthermore, the actual regression computation itself. There are two methods.

  1. A = matrix of x-variable values (1, x, x^2, etc)
    b = column vector of y-variable values
    A^T * A * x = A^T * b
  2. A = matrix of x-variable values (1, x, x^2, etc)
    b = column vector of y-variable values
    A = QR = QR factorization of A
  • That is, Q = orthonormal basis of column space of A and R = m x n matrix to match A. R = Q^T * A.


R * x = Q^T * b

The second, QR factorization method is preferred to the first method because the matrix A could be ill-conditioned such that small numbers are multiplied in intermediate steps and result in loss of precision. However, the second method requires more computation than the first method.

Again, as it turns out from practical use, I’ve been using the first method just fine a few times in GNU Octave. Also, when you think about this in detail, the described loss of precision can only happen when multiplying floating point numbers. Integers will not loose precision unless there is overflow, and it turns out that because one matrix multiplication results in at most one integer multiplication, simply provisioning for double-width resulting integers practically eliminates the risk of overflow. The only remaining integer overflow would result from carry bits from multiple additions.

Because of our citation on practical limits on phase shift profilometry, we can assume a maximum of 25 addition steps in our intermediate matrix. This corresponds to a maximum of 5 overflow bits, because each addition can overflow by a single bit. We can compensate for this by using quadruple-width integers for the final addition accumulation in the destination matrix. This is perfectly acceptable because we will only be working with a 3 x 3 matrix at this final step.

  • In the case of limiting the samples to 10, overflow is limited to 4 bits.

Now that we’ve required 40-bit integers, it makes rational sense to do the final Gaussian elimination using double-precision floating point arithmetic. Again, we are using floating point simply because we want to get some algorithm working quickly in our working software implementation. Our goal in this scanner design is to save the original scan data as faithfully as possible so that we can play around with different processing algorithms at a later date.

Oh, wait, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. What is the final output precision? Because we are looking for a “angle index” with possibly just a little bit more precision, this will be 16-bit. Suppose we have 35 degree max field of view. This gives us angular precision up to 35 / 65536 = 0.0005341 degrees. Or, in other words, a max image resolution of 65536 pixels. Is that good enough? For sure it is when we allow for fixed point integers… well, a group of “floating point integers,” but all with the same decimal position.

That being said, converting to single-precision floating point for the final row reduction is also adequate. Another option is to discard the 5 least significant bits before doing the addition accumulate in the matrix multiply and accumulating to still 32-bit integers. Okay, actually I like that method the best. Remember, we’re still going to drop down to 16-bit, so even if we uniformly throw away the five least significant bits before accumulating, this still results in good precision. The alternative, shifting by one bit just before we overflow by one bit, requires more complicated, and hence slower, looping constructs.

Okay, another question. Do we need block matrix multiplication? No. With a maximum of 25 columns and 3 rows, that amounts to hardly 150 bytes with 2-byte (16-bit) integers. For sure there is no problem fitting that in the cache.

I’ve done quite a bit of Internet research to get to the conclusions that I’ve documented above. These are all my sources.

20180217/DuckDuckGo Bareiss algorithm c source code

Interesting, Ruby Core uses the Bareiss algorithm for computing determinants.


Important! Useful sources for implementing my own Bareiss algorithm, for lack of finding a readymade modern library.


The original 1967 paper. Note that partial pivoting is required for good results.


A useful source describing the workaround to avoid division by zero.


Source code that only implements the method for computing determinants.

20180218/DuckDuckGo linear algebra integer arithmetic library
20180218/DuckDuckGo integer matrix library

Finite fields, they’re almost the same as your understanding of machine arithmetic.


There is in fact no CBLAS/CLAPACK except for one automatically translated via f2c.

20180218/DuckDuckGo CLAPACK