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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

As I’ve noted earlier, only a subset of software has become immensely popular in modern computing; namely, the software required to connect to the Internet.

As much as I like having a diverse array of local software with useful features and functions, I need to get this fact straight with myself. Ultimately, all such software is specialist or toy software compared to the body of software and equipment for connecting to the Internet and browsing the Internet. The user community for merely connecting to the Internet and doing the rest of work from there it is huge, such that their needs would surely trump those of the specialist users if you had to make a decision to provision a computer system limited resources available, yet for a large number of users.

Now, how does AI relate to this picture? Don’t you want to have a local AI on your system too? Only if it has a web API for your browser. Otherwise, it might as well be done over the Internet as an application on a remote computer.