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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

I do have to admit that I am somewhat annoyed by our modern day tech world. Yes, it is innovating much faster than before, but it is also much less organized than before, and there are no signs that the future innovations will ever become very well organized like the past progress has become. The community as a whole seems to just grow more and more fragmented, with specialized knowledge of their particular area but ultimately a smaller slice of the whole tech knowledge pie. Also, that’s the same reason why my notes are so big… I had to write them because there was no such organized structure already in the world. And, ultimately, they are still less organized than I would like, but that will hopefully be changing fast soon as I take some time to add in more categories and tags.

  • Footnote: The volume of these notes points to how disorganized the modern tech industry is at a global level. I never had to do this for the standard C library, I would just consult the official reference documentation.

    • But the biggest thing, the fact that so many people have become accustomed to working in such a sloppy software environment. And purportedly Internet search engines are the driving force that keep the gears turning despite the mess.
  • Discontinuous communities, the fact that they do not regularly communicate. You can really see it when you look at the way their software is implemented. Even though they may be solving the exact same problems in the exact same way using the exact same base technologies, the fact that they do need to still make arbitrary symbolic decisions is where they start to diverge and become incompatible. And once they become incompatible, they can develop a sense of inertia when it comes down to the decision of restoring compatibility versus building off of their own systems.

Also, search engines aren’t really helping with the problem either, as they visibly display the same knowledge issues that are evident in the humans involved in the tech community: old knowledge can be found great, but not too old, because then it predates the Internet. Also, the fact that you have to search with special keywords else you’re not gong to find what you’re looking for. Or, even when you do search using the right keywords, your high-level intent is ultimately misguided, so you think you find what you want, but that turns out to not really be the case.

Unfortunately, all I can say is that this problem can only continue to get worse for some time to come. To my knowledge, no single human has mastered the entirety of modern computing with sufficient rigor to pass my criteria. So if anything, it’s going to come down to getting a single computer to master this all, which isn’t going to happen for quite some time. Until then, things are only going to keep getting worse.

Also, there’s the another reason as to why my notes are so big: maybe I just have a prospensity toward wanting to make a copy of all important information and write everything down.