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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Local development with Jekyll


Categories: blogging  
Tags: blogging  

So, once you create your first and minimal GitHub pages Jekyll site, what else is required for local development? Easy, just follow these few steps.

  1. Make sure you have the local Jekyll development environment setup, i.e. follow the instructions in installing Jekyll.

  2. Add the following contents to the Gemfile in your repository:

    source ""
    gem "github-pages"
  3. Run bundle install:

    bundle install --path=vendor/bundle
  4. Add any necessary plugins to your _config.yml. For example:

      - jekyll-paginate

It’s that easy! Sure, not quite as easy as going to publish directly to GitHub pages to see how your site looks, but much faster for adjusting styling, for example.

20180526/DuckDuckGo github pages install themes locally