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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Okay, so playing around with WebAssembly. I want to compile more sophisticated command-line applications to run in the browser, but the default WebAssembly shell isn’t good enough. So, what are my options? Well, there are some JavaScript terminal emulators that can be put up as front-ends to your WebAssembly. Er, well, Asm.js at the moment due to a glitch between the Fetch API and WebAssembly output as of today.

20180602/DuckDuckGo emscripten fetch
20180602/DuckDuckGo FETCH not yet compatible with wasm (shared.make_fetch_worker is asm.js-specific)

Oh, and to mention this while we’re at it, WebAssembly output is now the default! No need to switch it on anymore.

Finally, since the Fetch API is asynchronous, you need to setup some “cothreads” to use it in larger programs that expect a synchronous API.