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More optimized array looping in C


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I’ve realized an interesting optimization when working a more optimized code path in a toy virtual filesystem implementation I’ve created.

First, examine a “non-optimized” linear search implementation:

unsigned i;
FSNode **files_d = parent->data.files.d;
unsigned files_len = parent->data.files.len;
for (i = 0; i < files_len; i++)
    if (!strcmp(name, files_d[i]->name))
        return i;

Now, compare that with the optimized variant.

unsigned i = parent->data.files.len;
FSNode **files_d = parent->data.files.d;
while (i > 0)
    if (!strcmp(name, files_d[i]->name))
        return i;

The original intent was mainly to optimize searching for recently created files added to the tail of the file list in a directory structure. However, upon a closer examination, there is another optimizations at work here too. The original implementation required two variables for the loop condition: the counter variable i and the limit variable files_len. This backwards counting implementation only requires the counter variable i because the limit is “stored” in the counter variable at the beginning of the loop. Hence, that’s one less register/memory operation to maintain the loop.

A related thought. Why did Brian Kerningham and Dennis Ritchie think that null-terminated strings were more convenient to work with than passing around the length in a variable? Well, let’s look at it from a low-level programming perspective. For string processing, obviously you only want to walk a string forwards, not backwards. However, if the string’s length variable is your only indication of where the end of the string is, your machine code implementation is inconvenienced by needing another register/memory operation to maintain the loop. By contrast, a null-terminated string obviates this extra variable during string processing loops, hence freeing up a processor register or memory cycles for other uses.

As we now know today, however, the main disadvantage of not keeping track of the string length variable is that computing a string’s length is expensive. The best of today’s string processing implementations use a hybrid approach: both null termination and a string length variable are used and maintained together.

Now, here’s a really interesting idea. What if you really want to use the same concept for counting forward? Well, my hints that I typed my length and index variables as unsigned integers may seem like a complication to this desire, but never fear. Two’s-complement arithmetic can handle this just as well: rather than assuming your index variable is non-negative, you assume it is “non-positive,” and you use an array base pointer that points just beyond the end of the array rather than at the beginning. Let’s try an example, this time with strings as our emphasis.

unsigned i = (unsigned)-message.len;
char *message_d = message.d[message.len];
while (i != 0) /* (unsigned negative)i < 0 */

Not too bad, must I say myself? Worthy of note here is that negative array indices are allowed in C: officially, message_d[i] is defined to be syntactically the same as *(message_d + i). Incidentally, this code structure also works very well on the 6502 CPU, where doing zero tests are easy, but greater-than and less-than comparisons are difficult. And yes, that’s also where registers are scarce.

But wait. There’s a close second that is almost as good as the previous implementation. Although the following code performs slower on a 6502 than the previous code, on modern architectures the performance difference is negligible. (Okay, maybe the 6502 is only faster walking in reverse, not walking forwards.)

char *cur_pos = message.d;
char *end = &message.d[message.len];
while (cur_pos != end)

Oh, and don’t forget. You may have noticed this from my code implementations above. In C, avoid extra pointer dereferencing when you can, because the C compiler generally makes no assumptions when dereferencing pointers, and every extra pointer dereference in a loop will slow it down. Yes, I know, C’s syntax often times makes it shorter to write the slower version as you do not have to define a new variable, but keep in mind that tight inner loops are performance-critical, so save the liberal use of the syntactic shortcuts to code outside of tight inner loops!