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Poor man's JTAG programmer


Categories: unlipic  
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Okay, so this is interesting. Need a JTAG programmer? With special software (standard JTAG software won’t work), a parallel port, and a few resistors, you can easily build your own “poor man’s” JTAG programmer, i.e. Xilinx cable. Wow, that sounds really great. Now I just need to make the decision between buying a dedicated USB JTAG programmer versus buying a parallel port and building a “poor man’s” Xilinx cable JTAG programmer alternative.

Oh, and the final thing. Will this work with my old AR7WRD router? Indeed, it looks like it will, as this forum poster was working on essentially the same chipset, although not the same board.

So, that being said,

20180604/DuckDuckGo jtag router adam2 u-boot bootloader

This is the cable design.


And this is the name of the software that it works with: “CICLaMaB.”


Yeah, other sites are recommending the more expensive variants.

The so-colled “Wiggler” is the circuit used by the more expensive variants.

20180604/DuckDuckGo xilinx cable parallel port

Ah, so there’s some more tools for JTAG that are being used on the OpenWRT side of the community. “JTAG Tools” is the name of the tool.

bertollo, in your case works , jtag-waldeck with unbufered cable(very poor man jtag xilinx)?? what is your linux version? debian? slackware?

20180604/DuckDuckGo poor man’s Xilinx cable parallel port

This is an interesting random find.
