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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

About a multi-machine server. The idea is that you have a small, low-powered, always-on computer to process requests. If a request requires a larger resource, it will be forwarded to the larger computer. If the larger computer is powered off or sleeping, it will be woken or powered on. And then what? How to handle the request when it cannot be responded to immediately?

I thought HTTP had a status code for “resource temporarily unavailable.” Indeed, it does. So we have that response right there, and we can serve a custom error page that will automatically refresh after a timer, and tell the user the machine is powering on.

503 Service Unavailable

20180618/DuckDuckGo resource temporarily unavailable
20180618/DuckDuckGo http request resource temporarily unavailable

This is an interesting status code. Also touted as useful whenever any Internet blocking is implemented.

HTTP 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

Other interesting technical and legal Wikipedia pages that are related. Gag orders are not a good idea, as they make the media more susceptable to circulating false information.


So what about reflecting mirrors to concentrate solar energy? In more temperate regions, the high temperatures were found to be killing birds. Of course, this is not much of a problem if you setup such arrays in the middle of a desert. Of course desert birds need to beware of very hot surfaces.


Great concept here, yes, one that I think more people should practice. Building your own technology using cheap but local resources. The touted reason here is that such a concept is not “appropriate” in more developed nations. Lots of great technology mentioned in this article.
