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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Important! So, that one thing you’ve said earlier? You need hardware subroutine support to properly support C calling conventions? Well, after careful thought taking into consideration historic programming tricks, that’s not true.

Okay, so here’s how it works. We know the historic idea for rewriting subroutine return addresses does not work correctly with recursion or multithreading, for that matter. So we need a stack in order to do proper modern subroutines. However, using the historic programming, trick, we can in fact clear a subroutine return address from the stack in the callee. Here’s how.

  1. First of all, you need self-modifying code to rewrite addresses on jump instructions.

  2. To mitigate the issues of code being executed from ROM, initialize a thread local “thunk” routine in writable memory (RAM). This routine is effectively your substitute for a hardware subroutine return instruction. The routine in writable memory (RAM) performs the following operations:

    1. Pop the first byte off the stack.
    2. Write it to the first byte of the jump instruction’s address.
    3. Pop the second byte off of the stack.
    4. Write it to the second byte fo the jump instruction’s address.
    5. Execute the jump instruction.
  1. (optional) If your program needs full support for threads, you will need a second helper subroutine to determine the correct thunk routine to call, but this one can be in ROM as it does not modify itself. However, this routine is only possible to implement if the architecture supports indirect jumps, i.e. self-modifying assembly language is not required. Otherwise, the routine must be located in writable memory (RAM) and you must guarantee that interrupts will not happen before the routine completes. (The thunk that gets called next must then re-enable interrupts if they were disabled.) It performs the following operations:

    1. Determine the current thread ID.

    2. Index into the current thread’s data structures to determine the thread’s subroutine return thunk.

    3. Jump to the subroutine return thunk to complete the subroutine return.

    Actually, there’s aother method that works well if your architecture does not support indirect/computed jumps. Before writing the address obtain a lock on a “busy” field and write the value of it to indicate another thunk is in progress. Other thunks will need to wait for the lock and condition to be cleared before continuing. That being said, you need to have support for locks. (Some systems can multitask without locks: there is only support for processes, all inter-process communication is mediated through the operating system, and the operating system itself is synchronized or single-threaded.)

  2. Compile your programs to call the proper subroutine return thunk. If the thunk in memory needs to be relocatable and it is not possible to first call an in-ROM thunk routine that then calls the RAM routine, the entire process code will need to be loaded into RAM so that relocations can be processed before execution.

So, lucky for you, it turns out that you can spare yourself from the complexity of a processor design that supports subroutine returns yet still be able to get the features and functions in executing code, so long as it supports computed/indirect jumps, namely with the address inside of registers or on the stack. Or if your system is only single core, or if you have proper support locks… you get the idea. It’s possible on simpler systems, but it requires a bit of cleverness to create the proper abstractions.

Also, I have additional discussion on that tiny 4-bit instruction set I’ve designed.

  • The syntax I’ve been experimenting with for instruction set specification? Unfortunately, I must admit that is “unnecessarily esoteric.” The goal of the project was to create simple systems that are relatively similar to modern computer systems and are not “unnecessarily esoteric.” Hence I am ditching that specification for something more traditional. The idea was the specification could be used directly for formal verification… but I think the established practice nowadays is more about using a reference hardware design and simulations to compare behavior.

  • Just write “ZERO AL” instead of “XOR AL, AL”.

  • Condition codes read/written are indicated with CC().

  • MB() is now only used for multi-byte immediates or registers.

  • Pointer dereference is simple PD(I1, I2). No need for MB() for multi-byte addresses.

  • No need for both arithmetic and logical shift rights. With only one bit shifting, rotate through carry is all that is needed to emulate arithmetic and logical shift left and shift right.

So now we have one instruction free. What do we use it for? Well, we have a few competing ideas that we’d like to squash in there.

  • XOR instruction
  • OR instruction
  • JS or JNS instruction
  • JO or JNO instruction
  • CMPXCHG instruction

Now as you can see, I am unfortunately trying to cram one of 5 (or 7) things into a single slot. If I was really hard-pressed on this issue, I would claim in favor of picking CMPXCHG as it does something that you can’t otherwise do with software emulation.

Wow, so there you have it. The decision has been made.

Unfortunately, I now don’t want to add it as it requires for memory intermediates since it uses two memory addresses. No way, too complicated for this simple processor.

Okay, so I guess that just leaves us with one instruction free for now.

Wow, but a further simplification is here:

  • Since the programmer always must know what the decimal mode is set to in their program, CLD and SED can effectively be used as no-op instructions.

Yet another instruction code is free for use.

  • Not yet adding CAR and BOW instruction. Oh, yes, definitely! Those instructions are amazing for programming tiny 8-bit systems. Alas, they only work well if you can load operands without modifying the carry bit, which you unfortunately cannot do on this 8-bit system where you must do an add to do a load.

  • Rename SBC to SBB to follow Intel naming convention rather than 6502 naming convention. Flag set/clear instructions still follow the 6502 convention. Load and store instructions follow the 6502/MIPS convention rather than the Intel convention.

  • Note that there’s the Intel alternative to a BCD mode flag: a “decimal adjust after addition” instruction, and a “decimal adjust after subtraction” instruction.

  • Dropping the ZERO instruction: the key reason being that it doesn’t play well with CAR and BOW. Now I can replace ZERO with LD and add CAR and BOW. The lack of a “set carry” (SEC) instruction may seem like a disadvantage in light of CAR and BOW, but it turns out that “CLC” plus “ADC” immediate is almost as efficient. Still not as efficient as an INC and DEC, though.

  • Dropping ADC I1 instruction: Yes, in general, it’s a nice instruction to have, but weighing it with the alternatives, it seems a bit odd compared to the other arithmetic and logical instructions, plus it’s nice to have space for a SEC instruction. This means that adding a constant costs one more byte in instruction encoding space, but incrementing and decrementing isn’t as expensive.


Based off of the EDSAC, but modified to be more consistent to modern computer architectures. An asterisk (“*”) indicates which instructions are radically different than the EDSAC’s original instructions. Including a NOT instruction is particularly useful for excess-3 negation (add three to the normal BCD value to get excess-3).

With 4-bit bank switching, a maximum of 12 address bits can be used. Alternatively, the same instructions can be used with 8-bit registers and 8-bit immediates, giving a maximum of 24 address bits with 8-bit bank switching. Another viable configuration is to use 8-bit bytes for the accumulator and memory, but 4-bit groupings for the instruction stream.

Recommended use: This pure, simplistic, 4-bit instruction encoding is probably most useful only as a means to implement the core of a more complicated CPU in a serial instruction-based manner. Another practical use is a very simple calculator. For those purposes, 256 bytes of non-bank-switched memory is plenty. Most sophisticated, modern software at the very least requires a 16-bit stack pointer, for which this architecture doesn’t even provide any stack pointer.

Condition Codes: CC
Zero: Z
Negative: N
Carry: C
Overflow: V
BCD mode: D

AL: Accumulator register

I1: Immediate byte 1
I2: Immediate byte 2


 * NOT AL => CC(Z, N), AL
   AND AL, PD(I1, I2) => CC(Z, N), AL
 * CAR CC(D, C), AL => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL
 * BOW CC(D, C), AL => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL
   ADC CC(D, C), AL, PD(I1, I2) => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL
   SBB CC(D, C), AL, PD(I1, I2) => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL
   RCL CC(C), AL, 1 => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL
   RCR CC(C), AL, 1 => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL
 * LD AL, PD(I1, I2) => AL
   ST AL, PD(I1, I2) => PD(I1, I2)
   JNZ MB(I1, I2) => MUX(Z, NIL, MB(PL, PH))
 * CLC => CC(C)
 * SEC => CC(C)
 * CLD => CC(D)
 * SED => CC(D)
   HLT => !


 * XOR AL, PD(I1, I2) => CC(Z, N), AL
 * OR AL, PD(I1, I2) => CC(Z, N), AL

 * INC CC(D), AL => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL
 * DEC CC(D), AL => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL

 * ADC CC(D, C), AL, I1 => CC(Z, N, C, V), AL


 * CMP

 * JZ
 * JS
 * JNS
 * JO
 * JNO
 * JC
 * JNC

 * JL
 * JG
 * JLE
 * JGE

 * CLI
 * CLV
 * SEI

 * BRK

Instruction execution pipeline:

  1. Fetch and decode
    1. Fetch opcode
    2. Instruction decode
    3. (optional) Fetch immediate 1
    4. (optional) Fetch immediate 2
  2. Memory
  3. Execute
  4. Write-back

Given that there can be up to 4 memory access cycles per instruction,. the “pipeline” doesn’t necessarily imply that this design can be easily pipelined. The implementation of a prefetch instruction queue and multi-byte fetches can streamline the pipeline process.

Actually… yes, an important observation here. You can’t do any pipelining until you’ve fetched the entire instruction, including all immediate bytes, otherwise the next fetch pipeline stages will need to be invalidated. Okay, so I have to admit that I really never worked all that much in processor design, I only took a few classes where we implemented the simplest of RISC processors as an assignment.

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) Pipeline

Related. What does the pipeline look like for a more complicated microprocessor that allows address computation in load and store instructions? Suffice it to say, you add one more execute stage before the memory stage. This also facilitates other complex instructions like instructions that require two execute stages or compute instructions that store their result directly to memory.

Instruction execution pipeline:

  1. Fetch and decode
    1. Fetch opcode (refill prefetch instruction queue)
    2. Instruction decode, compute instruction length and increment PC
    3. (optional) Fetch immediate 1
    4. (optional) Fetch immediate 2
  2. Execute
  3. Memory
  4. Execute
  5. Write-back

Yeah, it’s complicated.

T0  T1  T2  T3  T4  T5  T6  T7  T8  T9  T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15

                FO  ID  FI1 FI2 EX1 MEM EX2 WB
                                FO  ID  FI1 FI2 EX1 MEM EX2 WB

And, as you can see, the pipeline is quite shallow due to the complexity of the fetch system. Actually, we can tighten up the pipeline with a bit more computation in the decode stage to compute the next instruction address and save the addresses of the immediates into pipeline registers. Note that unlike the case of a simple MIPS processor with fixed-width instructions, we cannot increment PC (Program Counter) at the fetch stage as we do not yet know the full length of the instruction.

T0  T1  T2  T3  T4  T5  T6  T7  T8  T9  T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15

        FO  ID  FI1 FI2 EX1 MEM EX2 WB
                FO  ID  FI1 FI2 EX1 MEM EX2 WB
                        FO  ID  FI1 FI2 EX1 MEM EX2 WB
                                FO  ID  FI1 FI2 EX1 MEM EX2 WB

From two instructions in flight at a time to four instructions in flight at a time. Sure this is faster, but does this use more hardware and energy to get there? Actually, no. You’re just relocating the adder units from the immediate fetch stages to all happen in parallel in the decode stage. Only in a non-pipelined design can you otherwise share those adder units. Also, we’re looking pretty good in terms of concurrent memory access: only two memory accesses can happen in parallel. That additional EX1 stage actually really helps us in that regard. Okay. about energy consumption. Only acceptable if you can show that total energy costs are decreased elsewhere by, say, not needing to supply main power to as many parallel systems. Actually, I must say, this is pretty good compared to ideal simple MIPS with a 5-stage pipeline and fixed width instructions. Plus, you get that much more compatibility with existing software and old processors. Well… okay, not quite. I was comparing the wrong metric. The difference is half an instruction per clock cycle versus one instruction per clock cycle. So, let’s look into closer detail about what we can do to speed this up: the prefetch instruction queue.

Prefetch Instruction Queue (PIQ)

With a prefetch instruction queue, it is technically not necessary for an instruction to have a separate “fetch” stage: only “prefetches” are needed. Hence, the prefetch can be done in parallel with the decode, hence eliminating that extra stage and bringing us back to one instruction per clock cycle, even with variable-length instructions.

When the prefetch instruction queue gets flushed and totally emptied, it is permissible for the fetch opcode stage to take multiple cycles and stall the pipeline until it is ready in a regular state. Of course, this causes a corresponding increase in the time delay and a performance hit of a pipeline flush from jumping.

With a sophisticated enough prefetch instruction queue (PIQ), it is possible to eliminate the “fetch immediate” pipeline stages, as the pertinent memory accesses would have been done during refilling the prefetch instruction queue, so the decode stage could simply transfer those prefetched values to pipeline registers. Alternatively, you might argue that eliminating these stages and delegating them entirely to the prefetch instruction queue degrades performance, as the burden on refilling the prefetch instruction queue on flushes is increased: not only does the opcode need to be filled into the prefetch instruction queue, but any potential immediates need to be filled in too, increasing the number of memory accesses in advance and pipeline stalls on a PIQ flush. Yet still, on the other hand, shortening the pipeline leads to less opportunities for data hazards and stalls to occur, which should in theory improve performance. Shorter pipelines also mean that pipeline flushes have less performance impact.

Now, it turns out there are ways to optimize the prefetch instruction queue beyond a naive implementation. First of all, the prefetch instruction queue can fetch from fast instruction cache memory rather than main memory. This has the very obvious advantage of not needing to worry about dual-port access: of course you can design your own on-chip cache memory to have as many ports as you want. The cache is simply loaded from main memory in big blocks, and thus most memory stalls are limited to those instances. Second, with a nice fast instruction cache and a very fast parallel prefetch instruction queue that can prefetch faster than instruction execution, you can load multiple entries in parallel and implement simultaneous branch prefetch: for every branch instruction, instructions along both branch paths are prefetched in parallel. This limits branching overhead quite a bit, to only that of pipeline stalling. It is very important, however, that advanced prefetches never stall the pipeline: there is no instruction that needs it yet, so why cause waits? Only when a prefetch is immediately needed should a prefetch stall the pipeline. Additionally, in the case of simultaneous memory access, it might even make sense to add pipeline circuitry to prioritize memory fetches on behalf of instructions in preference to instruction prefetch.

What about the energy cost of branch prefetch? You’re consuming energy to prefetch entries that ultimately aren’t used, is that acceptable? Okay, good point. This deserves careful analysis, as faster in time may not mean better in terms of energy cost.

Of course, you also have to know where your branch instructions are and where their destinations lead to in order to do this. Yes, branch prediction. The easiest way to do this is to add a branch instruction to a cache after it executes. Wouldn’t it be faster if you scanned in advance and added it before? Well, maybe, but then you have to pay the price of the overhead of decoding instructions in advance. Sure sounds a lot like speculative execution, and if you do that, similar to my previous discussion, you must be especially careful that speculative execution does not cause stalls that noticeably alters the behavior of earlier code, else you’ll be haunted by the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities as we all know very well today. So, let’s avoid speculative execution for that reason. As we will discuss, it’s actually not necessary on our architecture.

You can do “forwarding” on branch instructions too: after the execute stage determines the address of the next instruction, this can be forwarded to the decode stage of the next instruction, which can then immediately process the already prefetched instruction. Matter of fact, with a separate fetch stage eliminated, the pipeline flushing can be limited to only one cycle: the decode stage of the very next instruction that gets invalidated. Effectively, this functions more like a stall than a flush.

For the reason of having a very efficient prefetch instruction queue, speculative execution provides very little performance benefit. Out-of-order execution? Don’t need it. With such short pipelines, it doesn’t make a big difference. For sure, out-of-order execution is something more pertinent to complex instruction set computers with long pipelines and many complex instructions.

Improved CISC Pipeline

Improved instruction execution pipeline:

  1. Refill prefetch instruction queue in parallel, instruction decode, compute instruction length and increment PC
  2. Execute
  3. Memory
  4. Execute
  5. Write-back

    T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15


Whoopee! See? Right there, more than twice as fast. Also, our pipeline is still limited to a maximum of two memory accesses in parallel.

How much faster do we get with only 4 pipeline stages, with the execute stage before the memory stage in the modern MIPS style?

  1. Refill prefetch instruction queue in parallel, instruction decode, compute instruction length and increment PC
  2. Execute
  3. Memory
  4. Write-back

    T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15


Yeah, as it turns out, only one instruction faster over the same time period, due to less pipeline latency. Not a big improvement. The biggest improvement came from optimizing the fetch/decode stages. However, the biggest speedup not measured here is the performance improvement under pipeline flushes, which of course is always better with shorter pipelines.

Why is the MIPS-style pipeline preferred? That is, when you execute before memory, rather than doing memory before execute? Good question. On one hand, I would be tempted to say that it is more efficient with pipelining. But a closer inspection doesn’t seem to state that is always the case. Suffice it to say, if you have a lot of registers, the MIPS style pipeline can work very well. With only one execute stage, either you pay the price in needing a separate instruction to compute the load-effective address before loading memory, or you pay the price in needing a separate instruction to load your operand before computing. Intuitively, it seems ideal to have two execute stages for this reason, but that comes with the disadvantage of a longer pipeline, which means jumping is more expensive. In either case, using only one execute stage limits your choice of instructions, so the remainder of the answer/preference comes from compiling and benchmarking code.

Energy costs

If one thing can be evident from the previous discussions, clever tricks to speed up a pipeline also increase energy consumption at the same time. What are the major tradeoffs here?

  • Prefetch instruction queue. Any implementation of a prefetch instruction queue increases energy cost as you may be prefetching an instruction that never gets used, in effect wasting energy. So, it turns out that explicit fetch stages are what MIPS does well to save energy.

    However, by limiting the prefetch to the very next instruction, you minimize the amount of energy you’re wasting. Also, you could argue that branch prefetch only saves one cycle, so you could disable that in the interest of saving energy. The other option besides branch prefetch is explicitly disabling prefetch when you predict a branch instruction is coming. This way, you never waste the energy from doing a wrong prefetch at a branch instruction.

    Yet, on the other hand, you still have to weigh this with the fact that adding branch prediction circuitry consumes more energy. Is that energy cost really worth the energy savings of avoiding excess prefetches? Actually, I don’t think so. Unless you have super-long instructions, it might be worth it. Well, let’s take this into mind. The most performance-critical code in most sofrware is within “tight inner loops.” So, if you can optimize the energy efficiency of the looping, that effects an overall more energy efficient processor.

    Okay, here’s what I think for loop optimization. There’s a better way, somewhat more related to the instruction cache memory. Not only do you maintain a “prefetch,” but you also maintain a “post-fetch” of previously fetched instructions. A loop, naturally, jumps back to an already fetched instruction, so the idea is that you can just save that and do a quick look-up on the past instruction stream. For sure, that reduces the energy needed to copy data, which is purportedly greater than the energy increases needed to maintain a larger fast prefetch cache. Okay, yeah, I think that might be more viable than full branch prediction: simply record branch targets after they are executed so that you can maintain a post-fetch there for a while.

  • Interrupts in a pipelined processor. In a pipelined processor, an interrupt causes a pipeline flush, which later needs to be refilled on return from interrupt. Effectively, this corresponds with wasted energy. Again, the negative effects of this can be mitigated through the use of shorter pipelines.

    Matter of fact, the pipeline overhead from an interrupt is much higher than the pipeline overhead of jumping: an interrupt can happen when the pipeline is completely filled up, but a jump only causes a partially filled pipeline to get flushed.

    • However, I must also note that this phenomenon is not limited to scalar processors: parallel processors running many threads simultaneously, even if they do not have pipelining, respond similarly. The lesson learned here: Very fast compute processors do not handle interrupts well. However, the simplest of non-pipelined processors handle interrupts very well. So, if you want to create the simplest processor necessary to support a modern operating system and respond to user input/output, you better go with a non-pipelined design.

      However, I must note even with a very fast compute processor, if you follow my recommendations for using an APIC efficiently with strict time slicing scheduling, then actually interrupts can be limited to the known timer tick interval and when the processor is otherwise idle and completely halted.

      Finally, of course if your pipelined design is much faster than a non-pipelined design, you get the performance advantages during tight inner loops, and during interrupt-driven code, you still get the same performance as you would with a non-pipelined processor.

      Well, speed-wise. But yes, energy-wise, pipelined and vector/parallel processors should not be interrupted, except at timer-tick intervals. Interrupts should instead be routed to a non-pipelined processor.

      • Hey, good idea! Well, if the timer-tick interval is known, the processor can plan in advance to not fill up the pipeline as the timer tick is nearing, correct? Indeed, that is correct. The processor can have its own timer tick functionality, and that function can be integrated with the pipeline for energy efficiency. Now you can save energy and have a fast core for your main central processor.

More complex instruction tricks

So, what about looping instructions, like the memory block instructions of the Z80 and the string instructions of x86 CPUs? Well, there’s a simple solution for that. The looping instruction proceeds through the fetch-decode stages, then when it gets to the execute and memory stages, each loop iteration enters the same stage, effectively creating a pipeline stall. However, this is going to happen in such a way that the very next instruction after it has been fetched and decoded, so when the loop iterations end, it can immediately kick off and begin executing. So, the pipeline still works even in this case. As a practical matter, it may as well be a good idea to use longer opcodes for these looping instructions, since they pay out savings from their many iterations anyways.

Finallly, once you’ve mentioned that nifty trick, you can also use the Nvidia Single Instruction, Multiple Thread (SIMT) trick to execute many threads in parallel that use the same instruction. Those instructions themselves can be looping-style to effectively eliminate instruction fetch and decode overhead in tight inner loops, not to mention adding speed from parallel execution. Sure simultaneous execution is easy, but simultaneous memory access… that’s where things get tough. The practical solution to this problem is to limit memory access of the lowest-level parallel threads to small, local, shared blocks. A progressively smaller number of higher level threads of control have access to more memory, up until you have the general purpose CPU with full memory access. Otherwise, your main problem in implementing the system is designing memory systems that have thousands of ports for thousands of simultaneous accesses. The higher level threads transfer memory in large blocks at a time, with no special scatter-gather behavior.

Other worthy notes about microprocessors. You know the idea of having every instruction on a processor available as a conditional? Well, it turns out that is a reality with ARM CPUs. So indeed, using lots of conditionals is up for grabs as a practical means to avoid pipeline flushes.

How do you know when a section of code is large enough such that using all conditional instructions would be slower than using a jump instruction? Effectively, each single jump sets you back one pipeline’s worth of instructions. So, if you have a run of instructions significantly longer than the length of the processor’s pipeline (i.e. twice as long), you know it makes more sense to use a conditional jump rather than a run of conditional instructions, from a performance standpoint. What about instruction encoding efficiency? Basically, it turns out to be about the same argument: the percent of space wasted becomes increasingly smaller as your body of conditional code grows longer.

Finally, we must always remember this very important point in hand. Why didn’t earlier processors have conditional instructions? The primary limitation on earlier processors was instruction encoding limits. With so few opcode bits to begin with, adding just a few more options implies a significant overhead. It simply isn’t worth it when building the simplest of systems, compared to adding the least number of opcodes necessary to get your system up and running.