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Quorten Blog 1

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Example of reinvention and popularity


Categories: misc  
Tags: misc  

So, here’s an example, or well at least related to what I don’t like, the phenomenon of reinvention and popularity. Intel Storage Performance Development Kit. Why patch in on the side here when the solution is to improve the operating system implementation? It can be done, and if it is, that is much more future-proof than developing this API that is only of interest to a minority of specialized enterprise servers.


Again, I reiterate, because this is important!

Other random technologies I’ve heard mentioned worth note.

Software: CoreOS Container Linux, CoreOS matchbox, CoreOS ignition, Ansible, Kubernetes, Drone, kube-router, Route53, CoreDNS, Gluster, GlusterFS, Gluster block storage, OpenEBS, Rook/Ceph, cStor plugin, Intel’s SPDK, Cog (by Operable), Kubernetes Helm

Protocols: PXE, BGP Peering, ECMP VIPs (Equal Cost Multi-Pathing Virtual IPs), DSR (Direct Server Return), Let’s Encrypt TLS (HTTPS) Certificates

CoreDNS is a DNS server written in Golang.
