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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Oh, finally! After so many years after the original games were written, we are getting more information from the game developers about their development. Yes, these proprietary games.


Now this is some really interesting commentary about data structures, but in the end the advice isn’t as clever as the author hypes it up to be. But, the point that I extract for design of my emtlib are as follows:

  • Support embedding your linked list data structures inside other data structures.
  • “Favor composition over inheritance.” Use a function to determine the location of the linked list structure within the larger structure.
  • Want to support fast save and load of the data structures? On one hand, I’ve setup support for offsets rather than pointers, this makes load and save a breeze when you have only a single allocation chunk. Yet another possibility is “lazy pointer cache,” but that only works in one direction.
  • Absolutely do make sure to use proper code library templating.
