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Quorten Blog 1

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YouTube has been loosing money for many, many, years. Is YouTube still not profitable for Google today in 2018?

20180711/DuckDuckGo youtube money loosing 2018
20180711/how much money is google loosing on youtube google drive gmail

I found old articles, but I haven’t yet found anything recent.


Youtube TV may help, since it’s subscription based.

In the past year, they’ve come out with Youtube Premium/Red, Youtube TV and have “Super Chats” on live streams where they take 50% of all donations. So they are definitely trying to address the issue.

So what about Google Drive and Gmail? Surely their loosing money in a similar way. Okay, maybe Gmail is profitable, but Google Drive certainly was not, which is why their decreasing their free data limits and making more people pay.


But this. Dang. About tech giants subsidizing unprofitable products. The Amazon Echo One is built around much more expensive design and Manufacturing than the Sonos speaker, and it sells for a lower price? Also, Amazon has a lot of unfair advantages here: the own the Alexa platform, and they own the online store that sells it such that they don’t need to pay any retail markup. Oh, and they own the advertising and marketing channels for their product.
