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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Interesting. Atlassian is selling their HipChat and other weird new chat product to Slack. (What was it called? Oh, it was called Stride!) A migration path to Slack will be programmed, and the old systems will be retired. These systems predated Slack, but Slack added more features faster and grew more customers faster.

Slack and Atlassian will make it easy for customers to move, but they won’t be forced to switch, Butterfield said. He expects most will transition, though, adding “single digits” in percentage of market share to Slack.

Important! So, the point in hand here. In the long run, it doesn’t matter how long your product was established and how old it is. It matters how many people adopt it.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is still aggressively trying to play its marketing tactics to keep people from buying Slack. Microsoft Teams, this cheap product that looks like it’s barely written by one person, is still around and boasts a large number of users. It is being given away for free, understandably considering the lack of quality and development effort put forth for it.
