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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

I’ve carried this assumption for a long time. You can’t find 1990s era computers on Ebay. They’re simply not as iconic as 1980s computers. Now, is that really correct? Let’s validate that assumption.

Start by searching for a brand name of a 1990s era computer that’s documented on Ebay, TriGem. Indeed, my assumption was flawed. The verdict? 1990s era computer parts can easily be bought and assembled in piecemeal from Ebay listings. Finding a full 1990s era PC, on the other hand, is more difficult. There are several listings for TriGem floppy disk drives and hard disk drives, a few for motherboards, and I’ve only seen one for a full PC system with case.

But, the point in hand. My assumption was flawed. Indeed, it is possible for an ambitious collector to have the original historic system assembled and get a living system going.

20180804/DuckDuckGo trigem pc ebay

I’ve also found this other interesting vintage computer web site. It has some useful information for collectors, and it has a listing and sales site of its own.


And another interesting site here, Apparently this site has some good information on old computer motherboards and new ones alike.
