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Quorten Blog 1

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How do you get multiple UARTs on a Raspberry Pi? Is there an elegant way to do this?

So, as it turns out, there isn’t. There is a single hardware PL011 and a software-assisted “mini-UART” that comes with limitations. If you want more than this, your best option is to use bit-banging on the GPIO pins. As it turns out, wiring up additional UARTs over I2C or SPI is more trouble than its worth. The best alternative if you want to connect more UARTs to the Raspberry Pi is through USB devices. Otherwise, there are other boards you can get that are better than Arduinos and Raspberry Pis in this respect, I heard they are called “mega”.

  • UPDATE 2018-12-09: “Mega” is the ATMega microcontroller, part of the AVR series. This is the same microcontroller that is used in Arduino. So, “get a mega” is just a more advanced way to be recommending an Arduino, at the component level.

20180805/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi uart gpio

This is great UART documentation here from the Raspberry Pi website.


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