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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

GitHub? How has the Wikipedia page been updated in light of recent events? Oh, interesting.


So the abuse has been separated into its own section, apart from the history section. And there is mention of new abuse at GitHub, despite efforts to improve its conditions.


But, in some sense that doesn’t sound too bad. Sure, the career for the blog poster didn’t go too well at GitHub, but some positive contributions have been made nonetheless.


So this article on diversity in open-source? Very interesting. Basically, the facts are as follows:

  • About 70% of survey respondents were employed full or part time. Of those, 65% (46% total) contribute to open-source in some way as part of their job. That being said, there’s a lot employers can do to increase open-source participation in women and minority parties, simply by making sure that all team members have a chance to participate.

  • Projects with a code of conduct were far more likely to have women and minority contributors.

  • Witnessing bad behavior can also keep prospective contributors disinvolved.


And what about GitLab in all of this? Well, despite being technically similar, there are no reports of controversy. Just the data loss from an improper backup.
