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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Purpose-built LED lighting fixtures have several advantages over purpose-built fluorescent lighting fixtures for home use.

  1. LED lights are less toxic than fluorescent lights: LEDs don’t contain mercury, unlike fluorescent bulbs.

  2. LED lights don’t require ballasts that may make buzzing noises like fluorescent lights.

  3. LEDs never have a flickering problem when they age, unlike fluorescent bulbs.

  4. Expensive LEDs can produce higher quality light than fluorescent lights.

  5. LEDs last longer and require less maintenance than fluorescent lights.

  6. LEDs are more energy efficient than fluorescent lights.

If there are so many advantages to LED lights, are there and disadvantages? Yes, but the reasons are few and far between.

  • High quality LED lighting can be quite expensive: the economics could easily work out such that a homeowner only planning to be resident for 5-10 years in the area would save money if they chose fluorescent lighting fixtures over LED lighting fixtures.

  • Cheap LED lighting can be provide worse quality light than cheap fluorescent lighting.