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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, how do you capture RAW images with the Raspberry Pi camera? Look here. Unfortunately, the process is more complicated than it should be due to undocumented proprietary systems that have to be reverse engineered, but here it is. First, you put the camera in RAW capture mode. It will emit JPEG + RAW images, the RAW data in an incompatible, non-standard, undocumented format. Next, you run it through some libre software to convert the RAW data to a DNG, which you can then process any way you please using the tools of your choice.

20180823/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi camera raw file

Also interesting is that the forum members found some source code on the same hardware in earlier mobile phones. Unfortunately some of it was programmed against an obsolete interface.

Here is more useful and interesting information on the Raspberry Pi camera.
