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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Multi-licensing you ask? What is the most elegant way to do this? Answer: Use “SPDX notation” in your README file to specify that any one of multiple licenses may be chosen, and only that license needs be carried over into a duplicate repository. In regard to whether there is a specific notation that is well-recognized on GitHub, apparently there isn’t, but do use the SPDX notation as your next best alternative.

20180824/DuckDuckGo github multi-licensing

No explicit mention of “public domain” as an indicator of its own, just the corresponding dedication + fallback licenses.


Any updates on Linus Torvald’s position on GPLv3? It doesn’t look like it, most of the references are old here.

20180824/DuckDuckGo linus torvalds gpl 3

Now this is really interesting. Linus Torvalds commenting on the GPLv2? He likes the license, but he hates how it is being enforced. Specifically, the use of lawyers. He agrees with Greg Kroah-Hartman, another leading Linux kernel developer, who stated that it is not necessary to use lawyers to convince people to comply by the license. Yes, even when they may say outright to your face that they don’t think it’s necessary to obey the law. However, using a lawyer, a lawsuit, and suing as a means to this end always ended in regret, both for the defendent and the plaintiff. Using lawyers only results in distrust and others viewing you as a bully.

Now, this has been a problem with the Software Freedom Conservancy, SFC, in more recent years:

In the last 10 years brought something that never occurred before with any other copylefted code. Specifically, with Linux, we find both major and minor industry players determined to violate the GPL, on purpose, and refuse to comply, and tell us to our faces: “you think that we have to follow the GPL? OK, then take us to Court. We won’t comply otherwise.”

And that’s the viewpoint that has caused such a strong backlash. Nope, you don’t need lawyers suing.


Okay, that’s all nice and all, but now I must ask specifically. Can public domain code be relicensed as MIT licensed code? Does this work perfectly fine in jurisdictions that recognize the public domain, if someone other than the original author relicenses it on their behalf and then distributes the result to a jurisdiction that doesn’t recognize the public domain?

Failed search.

20180824/DuckDuckGo can public domain code be licensed as mit

On the other hand, I found some interesting information about how to increase the polling rate of your mouse.


In regards to all this about the GNU General Public License version 3. The namesake of “tivoization” comes from TiVo. So what is that exactly? It’s an early line of DVRs.


TiVo’s response to the GPLv3? They made an SEC filing stating that they may not be able to upgrade to future GNU/Linux versions.

Another interesting thing about the article is the mention of the controversy and issues with commercial skipping and pop-up ads. Well, my verdict is that it sure is rough to run a business in “consumer entertainment.” The fundamental problem is that you can’t really have high-quality customers in that sector. Yes, it’s like Facebook, the party where everyone is invited, and having a number of bad parties/persons coming in inevitable. The question then comes down to what to do with these parties/persons?