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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Sources of information in your daily life:

  • Your communications:

    • What you see, hear, read, learn

    • What you draw, photograph, say, write, teach

  • Your actions:

    • What you design, build, repair, install, setup, etc.

    • What you recycle, repurpose, dispose, etc.

    • What you replace

    • What you buy, get, etc.

    • What you sell, donate, etc.

  • Marketing: What other people want you to…

    • See, hear, learn

    • Say, teach, but not draw or photograph! Only the proprietor has those rights. However, it is increasingly becoming acceptable to photograph if done with a smartphone for the purpose of “word-of-mouth” marketing.

    • Buy

    • Replace

    • Build? Ha! We know that marketers know better not to ask you to do something too involved.

    • Recycle? Ha! Marketers know better than that.

    • Sell? Sometimes, but not as frequent as advertising a buy.

Now, that being said, what does Wikipedia have to say about junk mail? Oh, interesting, the article title is advertising mail. Also interesting is the database marketing article.
