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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Interesting article here about a new technique for genetic engineering: gene editing, called TALEN. The way this technology works is by using proteins to section in on a specific part of DNA, and cut DNA at that point. When the DNA heals, this will typically result in the removal of the gene at that point. Alternatively, new DNA can be spliced in. This is different than genetic engineering of times past that used bacteria and viruses to introduce DNA from other species. Matter of fact, gene removal can easily happen on its own in nature, so this form of genetic modification is much less invasive and dangerous than methods of times past, not to mention more specific.


But, the most interesting part of this article discussion was the backlash that the public has generally had toward genetic engineering in food. It’s the reason why non-genetically modified food is a multi-billion dollar industry. There is a very interesting quote at the end of the article from one of the farmers who is piloting the genetically modified crops on his field, Bob Braun:

I think you can go back to any time in human history and find people who were afraid of change. When I was a kid, I used to hear the old-timers complaining about tractors.

So, what I learned from that: There were people who were complaining about tractors? Wow, I always thought farmers loved tractors.