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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Student motivation-intelligence chart

            student     student
             slow        fast

student   | student  | good     |
not       | fails    | grades   |
motivated | and      | but      |
          | quits    | student  |
          |          | quits    |
student   | human    | student  |
motivated | teacher  | passes,  |
          | quits,   | continues|
          | self-    | study    |
          | study    |          |

Now, obviously something we’ve made clear from this chart. This chart primarily involves humans. The one case where the student is motivated but a slow learner? A human teacher will get impatient and quit, but the student will keep going with their own “self-study,” meaning they learn from books, computers, and electronic course work that does not require a human teacher in the loop. For the student, above and beyond all means, their motivation determines their success in learning the subject. A human teacher, however, will not appraise a student who is motivated but a slow learner. Likewise, a human teacher might get highly motivated over a student who proves to be a fast learner, then disappointed when that student quits because they were never motivated to being with, or they lost motivation over time.

Now you might be interested in adding a chart for human teachers, but there’s not really a point in doing that. If there is a problem with a bad human teacher but a student is highly motivated, they will search for a better human teacher if needed. For students who are not intrinsically motivated, a good teacher might succeed in making the class, and therefore themself, “look better” to their superiors, but it still doesn’t do justice to the underlying motivations, or lack thereof.

Now, there is of course a different story going on if you look at an employment evaluation chart, between employer and employee, between buyer and seller. Well, that’s something explore later.

“Fake it until you make it.” Wikipedia doesn’t have much to say on the subject, so you must web search for other sources.

20180912/DuckDuckGo fake it until you make it

20180914/DuckDuckGo fake it until you make it