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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, the decision has been made that a lead-acid battery is ideal for me to use for a battery backup system for my network equipment. It’s rechargeable, it works well when stored at 100% charge, it doesn’t require require exercising to low charges like lithium-ion batteries, it doesn’t require replacement after power outages like alkaline non-rechargeable batteries, and it lasts a decent amount of time before replacement, at least a few years, 5 years, or maybe even longer.

So, now we’re looking for options that supply DC 12 V directly without wasting power at an inverter. Here’s one good website that I found.


  • Footnote: In Minnesota, we don’t have power outages very often, so if lithium-ion batteries were charged from line AC power, they would require artificial, manual maintenance exercise to stay healthy. Conversely, connecting them to solar power would provide daily exercise, but that would mean they might last for less than 5 years, hence more maintenance than lead-acid batteries connected to line AC power.