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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Amidst a sea awash of Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Google G-suite, Apple iPhone, Android… there is but one Raspberry Pi icon, and very tiny at that. Yes, now we’re looking at the really zoomed out picture, beyond the formal partitions drawn. It’s about the big picture, not about me.

Inside the Raspberry Pi is the even tinier partitions icon, with the even tinier QR barcode. And the spatial size of the icons must be drawn to scale of the size of the markets.

Or how about this. One icon of the biggest, and say “Drawn to scale.” That works well for a small icon. Or, now this is interesting. An Earth with an Amazon icon over one of the continents. Okay, let’s go with colors to keep it simple. You’ll get the idea better, and go with a flat map.

UPDATE: So, here the icon is.