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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Home improvements, mainly around new addition.

  • Shock-mounted garage door opener

  • Drainage system for the garage

  • Conduit for telecommunications cable, for easy upgrades.

  • Chrome-plated supports to hold bathroom mirror in place, to avoid corrosion.

  • Possibly change the position of the bathroom fan to be more directly over the shower. Shower mist condensing on the mirror surface can cause harm to it.

More home improvements:

  • Temperature and humidity monitoring and sensors for every single room. Ceiling fans for all bedrooms that are plugged into control system. Hard user controls to choose between auto control and manual control. Whole house monitoring is used to determine central control, rather than that of just a single sensor.

    More than just a thermostat, a humidistat to keep humidity controlled. Not too high, not too low. Importantly, the meters are visible to users, rather than just assuming “defaults” are okay. The hard limits are set by default, of course, just as is the case for a thermostat.

    Yes, effectively a zone heating system.

    Now, this is something interesting to consider? Do you need zone heating for wide open spaces? The short answer is no. Why? What is it that hinders air flow? Walls. If you don’t have walls, there is not as much hindrance to air flow, so not as many machines are required to direct it. On the other hand, the disadvantage with wide open spaces is that you are going to need bigger fans to effectively direct the air, or lots of smaller fans. You want to avoid spinning small fans faster due to the increased turbulence and noise that will create.