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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, after working with “house logs for dummies” for a little while, what became apparent is that I need to have a more advanced understanding of data and sensors. So, first of all, let’s review some of the very early sensor theory that was based off of early military radar system reporting. It’s a chart with only four cells.

|  False   |  True    |
| positive | positive |
|  False   |  True    |
| negative | negative |

As slick as this may seem, and as applicable as it is to radar reporting, it is an over-simplified sensor model for house logs for dummies. First of all, let’s describe some sensor phenomenon as observed in the house logs for dummies system:

  • Under-reporting is the norm. If you’re wondering why something apparently hasn’t happened, it’s probably due to under-reporting in the underlying system.

  • Sometimes there will be a report, but the specific data details of the report are entered incorrectly by mistake. In this case, the person who entered the incorrect data retains memory of what the correct action should be, and it is possible to prompt them at a later date for the correct data, provided that the date isn’t too late.

  • There is never a “false positive,” i.e. a report of an event when nothing actually happened. Indeed, this is perhaps the most significant difference from the radar system reporting.

So, a better sensor model with metrics that can be graphed can be described as follows:

  • Under-reporting/insensitivity intervals: Results in “false negatives.” The sensor failed to report data points on actual events. With human sensors, this is usually characterized by discrete time intervals and can be automatically determined when combined with data on how stressed the human is.

  • Inaccurate data point: There was a “true positive,” but the details of the event were not correct. In general, inaccurate data can be determined in two ways: (1) “triangulation” from multiple sensor data sources, (2) requests for error correction or data verification from the same sensor source.

  • Error-correcting expiry: Requests for error correction cannot exceed this time bound, measured as a duration from the time the event occurred. Less than this time bound, and error correction request can be made to obtain more accurate data.

  • Self-detected error: .

  • Self-corrected error: .

  • “Triangulation” detected error: .

  • “Triangulation” corrected error: .

Summary statistics on a specific sensor:

  • Average underreporting

  • Average “first-shot” accuracy

  • Average self “eventual” accuracy, i.e. accuracy with final self-corrected errors.

  • Average “triangulated” “eventual” accuracy, i.e. accuracy with “triangulation” corrected errors.

  • Average expiry interval.

  • Uncorrected errors due to expiry.

  • Detected but uncorrectable errors via “triangulation.”

TODO: A word on false positives. Very very specific, not a system-level measure.

TODO: A word on observational sensing. Versus data that is logged when an actor changes an environment. No environmental changes. Interval probing.

TODO: Measuring the accuracy that the current system state is known. The probability that an event would have occurred with an associated insensitivity interval.

Indeed, it’s important to keep track of both sensing and actuation. Reporting from the “controller” that performs the actuation, reporting from an observer of the controller, or passive environmental state sensing.

Then you have non-actuated events. Divide this into two groups. Un-reported events that were actuated by an actor, versus changes caused by natural physical phenomenon.

Yes, indeed this is an issue in my current system that needs to be resolved. The difference between the reporter and the actor.

More terminology for false positives and reporting errors. Among humans, also termed “lying” under the guise that such an act was intentional for the purpose of deception.

Also another facet. If a request is made by a controller, and a human is a “server,” if that request does not get fulfilled.