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Quorten Blog 1

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Okay, let’s keep searching for laser rangefinder modules, this time being more specific.

20181105/DuckDuckGo digikey laser phase shift rangefinder

This is an interesting paper describing a high-speed phase shift laser rangefinder design. It states that previously, laser rangefinder designs that were accurate had to compromise on speed. So, yeah, that’s something to look for. What are the features and capabilities of your laser rangefinder module?


This is another interesting research article about different laser measurement techniques. From the year 2001!


If you’re in the mood for do-it-yourself on the rangefinder module, there is a PDF on Digikey with a HOWTO for buying parts from them to do just that.


And, just when I was about to give up and start a new search query! Bingo, I found a laser module for purchase!


Now, this find brings up some interesting questions to answer. 30 meters to 3mm? Is that a distance that you’d reasonably want? Indeed it is, looking at the 3D model of the house. RS-232 interface, rugged washable enclosure. Okay, those are features I definitely do not need, not to mention the box itself may be too big and heavy for my application.

But, now we know the search terms to use. Laser Distance Sensor. And indeed, that brings up many more relevant results!

20181105/DuckDuckGo laser distance sensor

Looks nice, but it turns out to be too short of a distance for my use. It works with Raspberry Pi, indeed.


Also looks nice, but still too short of a range. I suppose you need to look for physically larger modules for better range.


Nice connectors. What type of connectors are on those cables, exactly?

Q: What type of connectors are on the cable?

A: Dear, one terminal of the connectors is GH1.25-4P, connecting with TFmini. And the other terminal is 1.25-4p, it’s similar to Molex510210. Hope our answer can help you. Many thanks!


Although, yes, I do concede. 12m measurement distance is pretty good if I am only measuring indoor quantities within the house. Outside the house, for sure it is no good.

1% accuracy for less than 6 meters? That’s like 1 cm uncertainty. That’s junk!

So this one looks like it’s actually somewhat useful. 1 mm resolution 2 m limit.


Now if you want to go with the traditional purpose-specific device, yeah you get better range and accuracy. Well, assuming that is not false advertising.


Good range at 40m, compact modular unit, lower precision at 2.5cm, high price at $128.


Granted, this is just talking the module. And there were full human interface units selling cheaper for that, not to mention purportedly more accurate.

Look at that, only $15 for a full human interface unit for a infrared temperature remote sensing gun. Those segmented LCD human interface electronics sure can be cheap when manufactured at scale.


If you really want a good traditionally designed system, go for the Leica brand name in the space of laser rangefinders. But that’s just the thing. I don’t want to be pairing with a separate device over Blutooth! And running a smartphone with an energy-hungry full graphics display.

Laser detection device specifically designed for determining level construction paths without tilt.


Now, this is interesting. Industrial laser rangefinder module, RS-232 interface, excellent specifications. 2mm accuracy, 60m max range. Major caveat is the large board size and the RS-232 interface, rather than a CMOS serial interface.


This is the Leica one.


Well, that’s the end of trying to search on Amazon. The first sight was overly promising.

Okay, now something that is becoming more obvious when looking at other supplier sites. All of the high-end laser rangefinders are relatively large units. Matter of fact, when you look at them, you really want to say that they use “DSLR camera optics” from the way they are designed, their physical size, and their weight.


More industrial suppliers.


Ah! Well, here you go. The Digikey part listing for the sensors you’re looking for.



Indeed! It looks like all of the ultra-portable laser rangefinders are ultimately designed for the interests of drones. No more than 10 cm of accuracy is required for a drone to navigate the world, hence that is the limit of many of the smaller portable sensors.


Another industrial supplier.
