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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Are there any updates on EOMA Earth friendly computing devices? Yes!!! Now, this is quite the interesting update.

First of all, the PCBs have been printed.


Second, in this past update, it has been pointed out that manual assembly of the PCB and the casework by the backers may be considered. The casework part, I’d be okay on that. The PCB? Well, you’re definitely right about it not being very hard, but needing to be done very carefully.


Third, now this is very interesting. The Crowdsupply campaign for the RISC-V design is being put up with some initial updates. The actual campaign is not underway yet, but the development updates and status are being posted. And indeed, this is quite an ambitious project. Basic hardware accelerated 3D graphics rendering will be included, through the means of some RISC-V extensions and a Vulkan-based software graphics system called Kazan, written in Rust. Despite the complexity of such a proposal, it is actually made quite simple because of a variety of means. First of all, the architectural constraints of Vulkan effectively guide you toward creating a successful implementation. Second, some notable figures of the chip and 3D industry of times past are chipping in and providing guidance on this project, one of the benefits of it being done out in the open.

Indeed, some of the skepticism opinion is useful. It would be nice to see where the EOMA68 project lands when it’s finally complete. However, that seems to be doing pretty well, and if it does end on a relatively high note, I think we can say we have high hopes for this project doing better than we might expect at first glance.
