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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, I’m still wondering. What existing open-source land surveying software is there out there? Surely, if I find such software, it will have all the tools for surveying techniques already programming in, making them easy to use.

So, wow! This one was quite the find. 13 Libre GIS Software Options: Map the World in Open Source. Quite impressive, not only the feature set of the software listed, but also the range of choices available. Surely, one of those powerhouses will have the tools that you need. And indeed, GRASS GIS is listed in there too!

But, there’s the flip-side that. Like you said, all of the options are powerful and complicated tools, perhaps too complicated for the needs of setting up a known structure in which to perform 3D scanning inside of.

20181210/DuckDuckGo open source land surveying software

There’s this other land survey software that was originally written in DOS, then ported to C++. Not particularly interesting, unless you are looking for a decidedly simple solution.


  • Footnote: Alas, I would prefer to name it libre software, but I was concerned those search terms may not bring up very good results. Yeah, that’s the way things are when we live in a world that is determined by search terms and buzzwords. It makes or breaks the difference on whether you can find things. And, ultimately, it’s recognizably the #1 thing that makes the Internet difficult to use without prior knowledge. You can’t really explore around on today’s Internet and expect to reasonably learn how it works and use it well.