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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

I was reading about the Cinnamon desktop environment recently, thinking more about the GNOME 3 controversy, and that reminded me of something. Despite the large number of computing platforms ever created, there are only very few that have really moved most of us as software developers. So few, that they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. So, let’s rehash what those are.

  • Early PC microcomputers, early 1980s. These are of the likes of the Apple II, Commodore 64, IBM PC, and so on. The key feature of these systems was to introduce BASIC and assembly language programming to people far and wide, essentially spawning a new generation of software developers on a much more massive scale never seen before. Most early PC microcomputers shared no software compatibility in common.

  • The Macintosh computer, late 1980s. Being the earliest, cheapest, and most mass marketed computer to sport a graphical user interface, it was instrumental in introducing the concept of graphical user interfaces early on to many programmers far and wide.

    The printing interface introduced with the Macintosh computer was a major landmark. Using a graphical user interface dialog to prepare for printing, driver support for multiple different printer backends, and access to network-attached printers set the standard of computer printing forever.

    In terms of software compatibility, there generally was still no such thing at this time. Similar systems for other mass market computer hardware that have been introduced later, such as Windows and OS/2, were mutually incompatible with each other, though Windows had many technical features that were came directly from the Macintosh due to a short-term partnership.

  • Windows 9x (95/98/98SE), late 1990s. Windows 95 was the first biggest to bring many things together all at once. It was developed after the end of the culmination of the late 1980s’ rapid innovation in computer hardware, when the IBM PC compatible system became the first to introduce powerful computer hardware to the mass market. Windows 95 was the biggest first to bring a device driver model with thousands of available device drivers to the IBM PC compatible system. Windows 95 was the biggest first to bring an elegantly designed user interface to this generation of powerful computer hardware. And, by running on powerful computer hardware, Windows 95 was capable of hosting sophisticated computer software. Also, unlike Mac OS Classic, support for a text terminal/console was built-in by default, as required for compatibility with MS-DOS software. As a consequence, support for GNU Unix-like software development tools on Windows grew quickly, and Unix-born software like Web browsers got ported to Windows quickly. Not too long later, Windows 98 featured powerful modern Internet support built-in to the operating system installation by default.

    The particularly unusual about thing about Windows 9x at the time, which is still considered unusual today, was the iron-heart commitment to backwards compatibility that has been placed within Windows 9x. This had been slowly developing in earlier versions of Windows that came before Windows 9x, but came to be almost an unstated expectation by the time of Windows 9x customers. Therefore, the return to less compatible means of software development struck many customers as a surprise when they upgraded to Windows XP.

    Windows 98 also made connecting to the Internet super-easy out-of-the-box, a far cry from the technical rigor needed in the past days of early PC microcomputers and bulletin board systems. For this reason, many people have not connected to the Internet from home until the advent of Windows 98, which included Internet Explorer 4.01 in the installation. Connection was via dialup because it evolved to be the easiest to setup. Hence, Windows 98 marks the beginning of many facets of web development which are still quite similar today as they were at the turn of 1998.

    Almost overnight, many startup companies raced to build the dot com boom, starting in 1995. Alas, on the user side of affairs, suffice it to say that most people were still learning how to use the Internet in 1998. 1995 is barely worth considering except for the more technically involved early adopters willing install Internet Explorer manually, setup dialup Internet through more complicated means, and so forth. Not to mention that the Internet/Web wasn’t clearly technologically superior for many things, hence the dot com crash came fairly quickly thereafter.

    In wasn’t until the year 2010, due to the advent of smartphones, that a “dot com boom” really started to take off. Although there were many people who were still learning, there was a much stronger existing knowledgeable community to get things started. With serendipity, this happened just as the U.S. economy and global economy were recovering from a recession.

    But, despite what I said about the dot com bubble, I cannot rival this quote from a book written by a venture capitalist of the time.

    “A friend of mine has a great line. He says ‘Nothing important has ever been built without irrational exuberance’. Meaning that you need some of this mania to cause investors to open up their pocketbooks and finance the building of the railroads or the automobile or aerospace industry or whatever. And in this case, much of the capital invested was lost, but also much of it was invested in a very high throughput backbone for the Internet, and lots of software that works, and databases and server structure. All that stuff has allowed what we have today, which has changed all our lives… that’s what all this speculative mania built”.[49]


    So, to be honest, that being said, we have a torn picture of web development among software developers at this time. Some people jumped right in knowing it would be the way of the future, even if that overly enthusiastic prediction might need to experience a crash in the intermin. Others who knew it was too early decided to wait a few years before learning web development. However, those that did wait a few years before learning will admit that many simple web applications can easily be implemented to work just as well in the browsers from 1998.

    What matters, ultimately, is that we have a large number of programmers on both sides of this affair, without any “mass majority” weighting toward one side or the other.

    Mentioning that facet of web development, the dot com boomers were among some of very early adopters in the late 1990s of what was to starting become what I call “second generation Linux” and cover in the next key platform…

  • “Second generation Linux,” early 2000s, continuing to the present day of 2018 and going beyond into the undetermined future. Starting 5 years after the late 1980s’ rapid innovation in computer hardware, standardization on the physical hardware interfaces had begun. Once the standardization was complete and being commercialized in the early 2000s, it was no longer necessary for an operating system to have a slew of different device drivers to run on the powerful hardware of a modern personal computer. This was a considerable boon to Linux adoption on PCs, that was previously few and far between before this change in underlying PC technology. Familiar GNU software tools that could be installed on Windows 9x computers are considered part of the system core on Linux-based system, hence the name GNU/Linux. Likewise, this accelerated the popularity of GNU/Linux on dedicated server computers, which was already pretty popular in the late 1990s.

    Additionally, starting in the early 2000s, Linux became a wildly popular platform for embedded systems and hardware manufacturers of totally new CPU architectures to port to their hardware, thanks to its free, libre, open-source nature making community assistance and customizations easy. One of the big mass market applications was high-speed Internet DSL/cable modem-routers. This further culminated with the development of system on a chip (SoC), and Linux was the most popular OS to host on these. The development of smartphones, their use of a system on a chip, and their mass market adoption worked to greatly accelerate overall Linux adoption and market penetration.

    By the year 2015, Linux had become firmly established in the foothold of modern mass market computing because of these reasons. In fact, the typical computer user might only ever user computers that run Linux over the course of their activities: from their smartphone, to their Wi-Fi hotspot, to the ISP’s switching equipment, to the destination datacenter’s switching equipment, to the application server.

    On the other side of affairs, Microsoft Windows still has a stable, but limited, market share: office PCs/laptops. Windows grew to dominate office PCs/laptops, it failed to grow past office PCs/laptops, but in the domain of office PCs/laptops, nothing has really succeeded in eclipsing Microsoft’s incumbent market share.

    Speaking of backwards compatibility, Linux systems have a rather unique set of affairs. The Linux kernel itself maintains strict compatibility with its system interfaces that are designed for user-mode software to use. However, the internal kernel interfaces for driver software have been traditionally unstable. Also, the kernel alone is not a complete operating system distribution: many standard libraries and user-mode services are required to obtain a typical Unix-like operating environment. Although some traditional Unix-like components like the standard C library remain stable, many important components for interactive computing like the display server and desktop environment are inherently unstable. The consensus solution to build stable systems out of unstable components is through the means of distribution developers. The distribution developers will customize the software components to impedance-match them together, then distribute the components together as a whole system.

    The result of these conditions is that only the most traditional of Unix-like software can be expected to run on future Linux-based systems without modifications. For all other software, a distribution development approach is expected: to port an old application to a new system, the application must be customized to fit in the new system distribution. To port newer versions of software components existing on an older distribution, either the newer software component or other software in the older distribution must be customized.

    These technical facts are not very friendly to sloppy, disorganized, and/or lazy software developers, especially if the software developed is being used by change-averse enterprise users. As a consequence, virtualization very popular to use with Linux-based systems, so that one can keep running an old application on an old distribution without needing to upgrade anything. Furthermore, the stability of the kernel interface has caused containerization to become popular as a more efficient means of virtualization of old Linux distributions. Docker became a highly popular front-end interface to use for containerization.

These are some honorable mentions, but I must exclude them for my previous list for the stated reasons.

  • Windows Phone. Arguably, Windows Phone failed for many of the same reasons that Windows CE failed: “shrinkwrapped” proprietary operating systems and embedded systems don’t mix. By the time that Microsoft bought Nokia, principally a hardware company, they were essentially too late. That being said, retiring Nokia’s platform was a bad idea.

  • iOS. iOS was not covered because it’s not as mass market as Linux-based Android. Nevertheless, iOS is notable and unusual in many aspects. Basically, iOS is the only proprietary smart device operating system still existing on the modern market place. This is mainly due to the fact that Apple got itself moved into a key strategic position very early on, so they could muster the time and development resources required to create a complex modern smart device operating system totally in-house. Additionally, due to poor business decisions, all of the other proprietary operating system smart device developers who did get started early on have since fallen out of business, effectively destroying their proprietary smart device code base. For everyone else that is newer into this field, the only way to rival Apple is to build off of Linux by customizing it to their specific hardware, and sharing their knowledge and customizations with the broader community.

  • Windows XP, early 2000s. Despite the fact that most of us, as computer users, remember Windows XP in contrast to Windows 9x as bringing a reliable operating system and a reliable computer to the table, in so far that freezing and crashing almost never happened on a day-to-day basis, honestly from a software developer’s standpoint, not much has changed from Windows 9x to Windows XP. Sure, there were some important new features and API functions added to Windows XP, but almost all of them were also brought to Windows 9x through the inclusion of redistributable dynamic link libraries. Honestly, from a software developer’s standpoint, the main reason for Windows XP was to get a version of Windows that worked on newer computer hardware. Software developers mainly focused on the fact that average computer hardware had a faster CPU, more RAM, better graphics, more disk space, and so on.

  • Mac OS X. Mac OS X was instrumental in bringing the Mac computer platform back to a larger market relevance. However, it still has a fringe existence on the mass market. For example, I have used many modern Macs myself at school and at work, but I have not personally owned a modern Mac. The problem is that Mac OS X only runs on Mac hardware, and Mac hardware is rare and expensive. Modern schools and businesses tend to send off the hardware to recycling facilities that effectively destroy the hardware, and upper class personal users (i.e. the majority of personal users of Macs) typically do likewise, rather than reselling the hardware.

  • Windows CE. Windows CE failed largely because it was meant to be sold as a software product to the embedded world. In the embedded world, hardware sells, not software. Also, the embedded world relies heavily on customization to get low-level software like operating systems running on the hardware. A proprietary software project can’t really do well in this kind of environment, unless there already exists a operating system software platform built on top of the base hardware.

  • Mac OS 8/9. Despite still being somewhat popular in schools at the time and having modern features compariable to Windows 9x, the general market share of Macs at the time has decimated so much as to make them irrelevant from a braoder, more mass market standpoint. Additionally, a lot of software available for Mac OS 9 was codeveloped to also be available for Windows 9x at the time.

  • Windows 1-2, 3.1x. From a programmer’s standpoint, these early versions of Windows honestly weren’t that much different than what we observed with the early Macintosh, other than the fact that Windows could run on mass market IBM PC compatible clone hardware. Perhaps the main alteration was the preference for the C programming language as the high-level language of choice, rather than Pascal. Another big thing about early versions of Windows was the relationship with MS-DOS, effectively making a text terminal/console included in the operating system by default.

  • Mac OS 2-7. These versions of Mac OS were basically simple alterations to take advantage of better computer hardware, like color graphics. Hierarchical file systems, designed in light of large internal hard disks, is perhaps the most notable software feature improvement. Other features added beyond this were relatively minor.

  • FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD. These began before GNU/Linux and were runner-ups in many of the previously mentioned fields. However, Linux exceeded the popularity of these other systems, primarily due to having a stronger collaborative community. Linux started out with an extreme technical disadvantage compared to these more established Unix systems. Additionally, even though the *BSDs had huge communities of users porting them to embedded systems, most of these systems were proprietary and the system builders effectively never shared their enhancements with each other. Over time, the weaker community interactions ultimately led to the demise of these systems from mainstream relevance, especially as market pressures for more powerful and complex embedded systems increased.

  • Timesharing with terminals on mainframe computers. Despite helping give more people access to interactive computing, hardly anyone ever had access to these systems.
