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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, one idea that came to me for implementing on this blog is the idea of article development levels. Indeed, I had seen this before with documentation on Blender plugins. Also, looking at my blog side-by-side with the Mr. Money Mustache blog, looking at the differences in writing styles. My blog is kind of a blend between traditional blogging and Twitter-style writing.

So, here is my grading levels for blog development status.

  • Level 1, Twitter-style short messages. “Blogging for dummies.” The main advantage over vanilla Twitter is the inclusion of categories/tags across all posts.

  • Level 2, short blog article. A few paragraphs are included for conciseness, but the article is otherwise still a fragment of thought that only makes sense in the context of the larger body of articles within the same category/tag. The writing style may not read and flow as nicely as what you’d normally expect from a blog.

  • Level 3, complete blog article. The length is long enough to give background information and context in the article on its own, the writing style flows well, and the article overall represents a more complex and complete thought.

Wow, and I just realized that I’ve effectively used the same leveling system that I used in “house logs for dummies” right in this blog development status classification: three levels, the first level is for dummies, the second level is a bit more advanced, and the third level is the all-inclusive advanced catch-all for experts.

How do I implement this in my blog? Well, I think by now, I am stretching the Jekyll blogging system to its limits. For this, I would essentially need support for the concept of variables assigned to articles that have numeric values. Yes, I could emulate it with categories and tags, but then implementing the next level of dynamic filtering based off of parameter selections would be quite tough.