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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, again, from the SYFY movie channel on a random TV screen that I saw, I searched the sechdule to find out what was currently playing and the name of that movie. This time, it is the movie Enemy of the State, showcasing NSA surveillance technology determined as plausible in the 1990s.


Interestingly, the movie crew hired a “technical surveillance counter-measures consultant” to determine how to setup the depiction of NSA technologies used. That is, someone who professional investigates for spy devices and how to rid them.


Nevertheless, there were a few fictional things in the movie like the 3D reconstruction when Daniel Zavitz bumped into Robert Clayton Dean and slipped the video disc into his groceries bag. Surely, the on-premises security cameras wouldn’t have been the high definition color video cameras nor in sufficient quantity to perform a high definition photogrammetric reconstruction, unless the place was already placed under NSA surveillance using NSA placed bugs. Were they on-premises cameras, the NSA still would have had a hard time getting the data reasonably quickly, a mailout of the data being the only fast way to deliver the data at the time.

Indeed, the Wikipedia “Talk” article does discuss this implausibility.
