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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, I’ve learned about realtime Linux before from my experience with Linux Audio, ALSA, JACK, and the like. So, I have a nifty Raspberry Pi trick up my sleeve related to this. Despite the common conception in Raspberry Pi hardware projects that all high frequency hardware control requires a microcontroller, indeed there are some important circumstances where an additional microcontroller is not needed. Most importantly, by being able to eschew with a microcontroller where it is not needed, you can reduce the cost of your final product.

Review of Linux Audio with ALSA/JACK

So, let’s review. How does realtime Linux Audio with ALSA/JACK work? First of all, you must make sure your Linux kernel is realtime capable. In the past, during the heyday of Linux kernel 2.6.x on x86 CPU hardware, getting good realtime performance meant tweaking the kernel config, applying the Linux realtime kernel patches, and custom compiling your own kernel. However, in later versions of Linux, after kernel 3.x or so, it was no longer necessary to custom compile your kernel to get good realtime performance.

Once you have the right kernel, the next step is to configure system privileges to allow a restricted subset of processes to access the realtime capabilities. In the Linux Audio and ALSA/JACK world, this means assigning the elevated privileges to the audio group. You would edit /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf to add the following lines to enable users of the audio group permissions to (1) assign realtime priority to threads and (2) call mlock() and mlockall() to pin process memory to RAM to prevent it from being paged out to disk. Memory paging to disk incurs a significant time overhead and can easily cause a thread to fail to meet its realtime deadlines. All of this complex explanation is boiled down to adding only a few lines to the file /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf:

@audio   -  rtprio     99
#@audio   -  memlock    unlimited
@audio   -  memlock    2097152
#@audio   -  nice      -19

Okay, so a few last notes are worth mentioning here due to the inclusion of a few extra commented lines that came from a live system. One possible tweak is to allow the audio group the nice value that corresponds to the highest possible priority, -19. However, I have it commented out as it seemed not to make a difference for me in practice. Another specific is on the value of memlock: unlimited is commented out and replaced with a fixed limit since a runaway memlock allocation could freeze the system.

Also, as part of configuration, you need to make sure that the high resolution multimedia timer module, snd_hrtimer, is loaded into your running kernel. However, not all Linux Audio applications require access to the high resolution multimedia timer. We’ll cover more on this later.

So, let’s talk more about the audio timers. First of all, the sound card is an important piece of hardware governing audio timing and control. Modern PCM sound cards are designed to assume that there is going to be some latency between host CPU interactions with the sound card hardware. However, PCM sampled audio is a very time performance critical application. Most consumer PCM sound card have a sampling rate fixed at 48 kHz. Professional PCM sound cards can have much higher sampling rates, but although they can also have lower sampling rates, the lowest sampling rates supported in hardware are not much lower than the fixed sampling rate of consumer PCM sound cards. This means that during audio recording or playback, the sound card must perform an input/output operation continuously 48 thousand times a second, without delays lasting longer than 1/48000 of a second. The low-level hardware analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters factor in a time delay of their own right, approximately half a millisecond with variations depending on the specific hardware, leaving even less time for the remaining logic to act.

Although modern CPUs are very fast, a modern time-sliced, pre-emptive multitasking operating system with hardware abstraction and a device driver model schedules in much larger time slices than the duration of a single PCM sound sample. Therefore, in order to enable the ability of modern computers to work with sound cards, the sound card must feature buffers. An input buffer stores up recored sound until the operating system can get a large time slice to process the data in bulk, and an output buffer allows the operating system to send sound output in bulk in a larger time slice. For the sake of streaming audio input and audio output, the sound card can also send the host CPU interrupts when the input buffer is approaching full, or when the output buffer is approaching empty. The CPU must respond to this request before the buffers are completely full or empty. In ALSA/JACK terminology, a failure to empty the input buffer before it is completely full is called a buffer overrun. Likewise, a failure to fill the output buffer before it is completely empty is called a buffer underrun. The combination of either of the two events is referred to an an “XRUN,” “X” being an variable corresponding to either “under” or “over.”

For most consumer applications such as IP telephone conversations, video chat, watching streaming Internet videos, listening to music, and so on, relatively large audio buffers are perfectly acceptable because there are much longer delays within the telecommunication network mask the local delay due to audio buffers between the operating system and the sound card. Matter of fact, larger audio buffers are preferred for typical consumer applications because this allows the energy hungry CPU to go completely to sleep, which saves energy and prolongs battery life compared to running at a certain clock rate to keep interacting with the sound card. By contrast, for audio production, live performances, and virtual musical instruments, the smallest audio buffers possible are preferred because this translates to the lowest possible latency in the digital computer system, and all other factors have already been controlled to minimize latency as much as possible, such as having the live audience on the same physical premises as the live performers.

Earlier I mentioned that not all Linux Audio applications need the high resolution multimedia timer. Just to clarify given the most recent points I’ve mentioned, I was referring to realtime Linux audio applications. Anyways, now the explanation about the specifics of high resolution multimedia timer can be made obvious. The sound card interrupts for buffer filling and emptying is one source of regular timer ticking, and this is also a reliably synchronized time source. For the most basic of audio applications, running off of the number of samples sent or received over the audio interface is good enough for their timing needs. Only in more advanced applications is it necessary to have additional high-resolution timing features and functions, and this is where snd_hrtimer, the Linux high resolution multimedia timer, comes into play.

What are the limitations of realtime Linux Audio with ALSA/JACK? Realtime Linux Audio can still work well with latencies such as 3 ms to 10 ms. For comparison, the amount of time for sound to travel through one meter of air at sea level is approximately 3 ms. So, a few milliseconds of latency is acceptable as it translates simply to the instrument’s “sounding board” being a few meters further away from the performer, but latencies much longer than this can quickly make a virtual instrument unplayable. Also, due to the assumption that a sound card has buffers, the host CPU is allowed more leeway jitter on when it responds: to maintain 3 ms latency or better, it can respond with a delay anywhere between 1.5 ms and 3 ms. By contrast, some motor control applications may require much tighter polling loops than this. Or, even if they do not require tighter polling loops, they may have requirement that they respond every 3 ms with a jitter of no more than 0.1 ms. If this is the case, then you really know that you need to use a microcontroller for your hardware control. Otherwise, hardware control using Linux realtime threads could just as well be a viable option for you.

But, I must also recognize the alternate path that many beginners before me have taken. Previously, indeed during the times when a standard Linux kernel build wasn’t good enough for realtime audio, according to one review written for the Gertboard on Amazon, realtime threads on Linux were “black arts of Linux and C” that required compiling your own kernel. By contrast, offloading time-critical programming to an AVR series ATmega (i.e. Arduino) microcontroller was “much easier.” (Note that quoted phrases may not be exact.)

Aside: How exactly does built-in Raspberry Pi audio function?

Why couldn’t I get JACK to work on my Raspberry Pi in 2012? Well, with the current review and a few other tidbits of knowledge about Linux, Debian, JACK, and Raspberry Pi at the time, we can try to draw a few conclusions as to why this wouldn’t work very well. However, as it turns out that my conclusions reached that it should work okay, this will end up being mainly a primer on the specifics of audio input/output on a Raspberry Pi.

First of all, all of my previous discussion assumed that the sound card hardware had hardware audio buffers for input and output. It’s tough to see how this works on the Raspberry Pi, but with some careful analysis, you can see that all models of the Raspberry Pi with builtin audio output do in fact have a hardware audio output buffer of some sort. So, let’s take a look for ourselves.

Unfortunately, accurate information on the is a bit harder to come by than you think it should. I checked out one of the more recent links to the Raspberry Pi schematics but didn’t see the discrete analog audio filtering circuits in the links I found. Also, Wikipedia seemed to hint that the built-in audio output might use I2S on the later board revisions. Nevertheless, I did find that Hackaday. I’ll clarify the Wikipedia statement in a bit.

20181229/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi audio pwm

First, the information I gleaned from Hackaday. Indeed, the Hackaday analysis confirms my earlier readings. The Raspberry Pi, including all revisions that have built-in audio output, uses both PWM channels available to correspondingly generate the left and right audio channels in the stereo audio output. The original model basically had two simple RC (resistor-capacitor) low-pass filters: first a low-pass filter to convert pulse-density modulated (PDM) sound into an analog waveform, then a high-pass filter to remove extra low frequencies that can cause uncomfortable rumbling and damage to audio equipment. Pulse-density modulated sound uses a higher frequency of 1 bits where the amplitude of the waveform should be higher, and a lower frequency of 1 bits where the amplitude of the waveform should be lower. A low-pass filter simply smoothes out this high-frequency waveform by averaging it out over a larger time period, and the analog waveform is generated simple as that. Finally, the Raspberry Pi has one last diode bridge tidbit of hardware simply for the sake of electrical protection ans isolation of the circuitry from stay currents on the audio input.

  • Original design low pass filter components: (1) 270 ohm resistor, (2) 33 nF capacitor to ground. Cut-off frequency 18 kHz.

  • Original design high pass filter components: (1) 150 ohm resistor to ground, (2) 10 uF capacitor. Cut-off frequency 100 Hz.

So, what about my earlier comment on hints that later board revisions might use I2S for the built-in audio output? As it turns out, the correct clarification is that earlier board revisions didn’t have I2S wired up at all. The pins to the BCM2835 were left unconnected because they were inner pins on the BGA (ball grid array) package, and connecting them would have required complex vias that would have increased the board manufacturing cost. However, revision 2 of the board did include wiring to connect I2S to the GPIO pin header, so effectively all modern boards have I2S available at the GPIO pin header. However, since there is only one I2S output interface available, for a simple analog output circuit to use this, it would need to include additional logic to deserialize the stereo channels. That is simply not the case on the Raspberry Pi. That’s how we know that PWM is still used for the later boards.

So, let’s get into the details of how this PWM interface works. The Broadcom BCM2835 ARM peripherals specification is great help in understanding the features, functions, and capabilities of the BCM2835 hardware PWM support module. As it turns out, the PWM has multiple modes of operating. The simplest modes simply output a PWM signal at a fixed frequency, but the most interesting mode to us is the one that outputs a bit stream onto the PWM line. This mode happens to support a FIFO queue with a depth of eight 32-bit words. (Or is it 16 32-bit words? Unfortunately the specification isn’t clear here.) There you go, that’s a hardware audio output buffer right there.

However, some calculations show that this is a rather small hardware audio buffer. To ideally represent an 8-bit PCM sample in PDM, you would need 256 PDM samples. The PWM clock is nominally 100 MHz, but it can be reconfigured to run at other speeds. I have yet to find information on what nominal PWM frequency is used by the Raspberry Pi built-in audio output. If we assume it’s the default, then we have 2083 PDM samples per PCM sample at 48 kHz. That’s only eight 8-bit PCM audio samples, but it’s too short for a single 16-bit PCM audio sample. Alternatively, it’s enough for one 11-bit PCM audio sample, which is the purported audio quality from the Raspberry Pi forum.

Now, if you’re liberal, you can use an error diffusion technique to approximately represent higher resolution PCM samples in a smaller amount of PDM space. The thing about error diffusion is that when you have multiple consecutive samples of similar value, which is often the case for audio signals, you can end up getting a more accurate representation of the original value over the longer time period. So, if we assume assume we’re willing to pack eight times as many 8-bit PCM samples using error diffusion, our hardware audio output buffer might have a total of 64 PCM samples. That’s still tight realtime deadline to meet, and that’s even when we’re making compromises on sound quality to get there. Suffice it to say, for this reason, we know that some kernel-mode realtime thread is being used successfully on the Raspberry Pi to implement its built-in audio output, and apparently it works quite well.

However, it would have been really nice and smart to use the integrated I2S interface for the audio output. First off, it has 64 32-bit words for its FIFO queue, which means that the realtime thread responsible for filling the hardware audio output buffer can run on a looser schedule. However, this is still a pretty tight realtime deadline to meet.

Here’s another interesting capability of the I2S interface. The I2S interface supports two PDM microphone inputs. So, you wonder, how do you construct a PDM microphone? Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as construction a PDM output. You have to use a delta-sigma modulator that involves some op-amp circuits, an op-amp itself requiring 20 transistors.

Personally, I was quite impressed to see the Raspberry Pi use a audio PWM circuit similar to the one that is used in the original Macintosh. Actually, it is a little bit better than the original Macintosh circuit. The Raspberry Pi uses PDM to allow for both variable frequency and variable amplitude waveforms, whereas the original Macintosh only uses PWM to modulate the frequency. However, upon closer analysis, I can see that Raspberry Pi technique does cause audio quality problems compared to the modern techniques. Indeed, given that the Macintosh computer was a first of its kind, we had different standards for audio quality back then than we do now, markedly lower standards to be specific.

Suffice it to say, if you are going to be running JACK, you probably want an audio input/output solution that is more adept toward audio production use. At the very least, you can get some better quality options by using a small USB-connected audio adapter, which technically functions as an additional sound card of its own. The main limitation of this technique for realtime use is potential USB bus contention. To get better quality than that, the ne ultra option is to use one of those audiophile branded Pi HAT sound cards purpose-built for the Raspberry Pi. Not only do they feature excellent DAC (digital to analog) and ADC (analog to digital) converters, but surely they have better options of audio buffering, and being connected to one of the GPIO pin header interfaces (I2C, SPI, I2S, individual GPIO pins, etc.), they have the lowest possible latency as an external board.

Real-time hardware control on Raspberry Pi

Programming realtime audio applications via JACK is easy and simple. I’ve personally done it once before, but I will not cover the specifics here. If you want to see the main application I did programming with JACK for, check out Slider Wave Editor, now recently uploaded to my GitHub account for your convenience:

JJJ TODO: Verify modern compile and add link!


So, all that being said, how do you build a more general-purpose real-time application for the purpose of controlling hardware connected to a Raspberry Pi? Well, right off the bat, I can say that what I know about the generic techniques for doing so are that they are not as easy as they are for programming realtime Linux audio applications. Maybe I am unaware of a framework has emerged to make programming realtime threads on embedded Linux boards easy like programming realtime audio, but no worries. You don’t have to add too many additional things into your program to make a generic realtime program.

So, first things first, make sure your system is compiled and configured for realtime support. This is basically the same as was previously described for Linux realtime audio, but of course you are going to use a group other than audio for the realtime permissions, maybe like rpihw to designate your processes that are in charge of direct access to hardware connected to your Raspberry Pi.

Your second concern is to verify that you have a reliable realtime timer source that you can use to synchronize starting your realtime processing thread. In Linux realtime audio programming, you have the luxury of the sound card interrupts, which are propagated through ALSA, to JACK, and finally to your realtime audio application. For most Raspberry Pi style hardware interfacing, you unfortunately won’t have access to such a dedicated hardware interrupt line. (Sometimes you’ll be able to setup an interrupt on the rising or falling edge of a GPIO input.) However, you can achieve a similar effect through the generic Linux high resolution timer, hrtimer. Make sure this module is either compiled-in (check for CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS=y in your compile-time Linux kernel config) or loaded so it will be ready to use. Although it might be possible to use snd_hrtimer, I wouldn’t recommend it for general-purpose, non-multimedia applications.

Note that on Raspbian, unlike on Debian, the compile-time kernel config file is not included on the installed system. You can find the default kernel config file in the kernel source code. If you do need to rebuild your kernel, you’ll find that the process for Raspbian is not the same process as is used for standard Debian-based distributions. Find the information on how to perform the Raspbian-specific process here.

20181228/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi linux config settings
20181228/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi linux kernel config file

Now, the rest concerns how you write your realtime process that controls your hardware, so you can relax from all the sysadmining and concentrate on some coding for the next long while.

The very first thing you should do is call mlockall() at the very start of your main() function. Technically you may only need realtime threads in your realtime process, but if you don’t want any confusion as to whether memory is or is not used by a thread and thus needs to be locked. Also, keep in mind that memory is locked on page granularity, so if you do want to do such a scheme, you must adjust your real time thread’s memory allocations accordingly and avoid doing things that would call malloc() onto a thread-shared heap.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

main (int argc, char *argv)
  mlockall (MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE);
  /* Parse command line arguments...  */

Oh, before we get too far, let me review another important point. Again, I reiterate, because this is important! You have seen that I have chosen C/C++ as the programming language of choice for writing this realtime application. As I have already mentioned, it is important that you can control dynamic memory allocation behavior for realtime applications. Ultimately you want to limit or eliminate the need for dynamic memory allocation. The C programming language is a great language for this purpose, even if referenced tongue-and-cheek for this facet. Second, in the interest of speed, you want to have a nice fast compiled programming language. Although I have previously recommended Golang as a nice, fast, compiled high-level programming language for the Raspberry Pi that will not slow you down as much as Python does on the limited hardware, alas, its dependence on garbage collection and dynamic memory allocation knocks it out of the realtime programming race. Sorry, maybe a future revision of Golang will have better luck next time with static memory allocation for realtime performance.

Well, anyways, back to the coding. Now that you have your process memory pinned to RAM, you need to spawn a realtime thread and schedule it to run periodically on a high resolution timer, accurate for realtime scheduling. For setting up real-time scheduling, we have sched_setscheduler() for kernel thread IDs and pthread_set_sched() for pthread thread IDs. For the high resolution timer, we have hrtimer.

Use SCHED_RR (“round robin scheduler”) for the realtime priority of most realtime threads. SCHED_FIFO should be used with utmost care only for realtime threads that must run for longer than a time slice because it essentially locks up the system until the realtime thread yields back control.

So, now we’re ready to continue our example with creating a realtime thread, albeit without the callback/sleep timer loop structure configured.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sched.h>

void *
thread_func(void *data)
  /* Do something in a realtime loop.  */
  pthread_exit ((void *)0);

/* Thread ID of the realtime worker thread.  */
pthread_t rt_tid;

main (int argc, char *argv)
  mlockall (MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE);

  /* Parse command line arguments...  */

  { /* Create our realtime thread.  */
    int result;
    struct sched_param rt_sched_param;
    pthread_attr_t rt_attr;
    void *arg = NULL; /* Pass a parameter to the thread */
    rt_sched_param.sched_priority = SCHED_RR;
    result = pthread_attr_init (&rt_attr);
    if (result != 0) {
      /* Handle error */
    result = pthread_attr_setinheritsched (&rt_attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
    if (result != 0) {
      /* Handle error */
    result = pthread_attr_setschedparam (&rt_attr, &rt_sched_param);
    if (result != 0) {
      /* Handle error */
    result = pthread_create (&rt_tid, &rt_attr, thread_func, arg);
    if (result != 0) {
      /* Handle error */


  /* Signal the thread that it's time to exit.  */
  pthread_kill (rt_tid, SIGINT);

  { /* Wait for the thread to exit gracefully.  */
    int result;
    void *status;
    result = pthread_join (rt_tid, &status);
    if (result != 0) {
      /* Handle error */
    /* If applicable, check status and act accordingly.  */

  /* Use `pthread_exit()' to exit `main()' since we are using
     `pthread` threads elsewhere.  */
  pthread_exit ((void *)0);

20181228/DuckDuckGo linux realtime threads motor control

More discussion is needed on the specifics of sending signals to realtime threads. With non-realtime threads, shared memory and mutexes is a pretty good way to setup basic communication between threads. Unfortunately, such a naive implementation doesn’t work well with realtime threads. Typically, a realtime thread polls periodically at strict time intervals and spends most of the time sleeping. The idea in the common case is that you want to send data to the thread while it is sleeping, not while it is running, because the interruption can fool with its realtime execution. So, it turns out that you can reasonably do that by sending a signal to your realtime thread, via pthread_kill(). How do you pass data to your realtime thread? When you created the thread with pthread_create(), you sent it an argument, presumably a pointer to a context structure. You can set a variable value within that context structure. When the signal handler is called, you can copy that data to the realtime thread’s local context.

How can you be sure that when you send a signal to the realtime thread, you are not interrupting it? By definition, the realtime thread runs at higher priority than the rest of the process, and it gracefully goes to sleep when it is done with its processing, so whenever the rest of the normal process is executing, you can be sure that you are not doing anything in the middle of a realtime thread’s execution, unless it was being too slow and had to be interrupted at time slice expiry before its task was complete. Even in this case, you are only slowing down a slow thread by a little bit more.

Now, if you are careful with mutexes and shared memory, you can also use this as a means to communicate with a realtime thread, but this is a bit more complex. The main problem is when your non-realtime thread may grab the lock, get interrupted, then the realtime thread starts executing, but it must get interrupted to context switch to the non-realtime thread that is holding the lock. The non-realtime thread is then executed at realtime priority until it release the lock, then gets immediately interrupted, and the realtime thread resumes execution. First of all, make sure your non-realtime thread’s locked sections are as short as possible. Second, use pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() with PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT to ensure that the realtime thread can resume the non-realtime thread at realtime priority to unblock itself. However, as you can see, due to the context switches, the worst-case execution of this technique is more expensive than is the case with the signal sending technique.

An alternative, and my preferred, technique that eliminates this expense is by setting up the realtime thread to try to see if it can acquire the lock without blocking (via pthread_mutex_trylock()), and if not, it uses an older cached value of the variable in question. Chances are that if were planning on using the signaling technique, your code is already setup very similar to this approach. On one hand, I prefer the signaling technique to the pthread_mutex_trylock() technique as it makes the main body of the realtime thread code conceivably simpler. On the other hand, signaling arguably requires more code to implement the thread signal handler.

An interesting case of communicating with a realtime thread is that of double buffering. The idea is that your non-realtime thread writes to one buffer, while the realtime thread reads from the other. Once your application is done writing, you want to swap the buffers. This is simply changing the value of a single integer variable, very easy to do within a small locked section. But, what if you still get interrupted in there? What can your realtime thread do? Well, as it turns out, by definition, your application is done writing buffers when it is swapping buffers, so either buffer may be used. For simplicity, we can save the old current buffer pointer and just keep using that, which is exactly the same as the method previously mentioned.

20190102/DuckDuckGo send a signal to a thread only if its sleeping
20190102/DuckDuckGo do not send a signal to a running thread
20190102/DuckDuckGo realtime thread signal 20190102/DuckDuckGo realtime mutex priority
20190102/DuckDuckGo pass an integer via a signal handler
20190102/DuckDuckGo pthread mutex trylock

RTLinux is an interesting system that runs realtime threads outside the Linux kernel and makes the Linux kernel fully pre-emptable as a seprate process. However, I can simply reckon that it has failed to gain popularity, so realtime threads within Linux is the mainstay solution for now. Besides, modern Linux kernel versions have had all spinlocks overhauled so that they are fully preemptable, which basically means that beyond drivers, the rest of the Linux kernel can be pre-empted by your realtime code in functionally the same way. As usual, the typical problem in real-world systems resulting in non-ideal behavior can be traced back to drivers.


Now, onto the subject of hrtimer. There are two ways to use hrtimer. The first, and recommended, way is to use the hrtimer features and functions as they are exposed through the POSIX nanosleep() and clock_nanosleep() routines. Typically, you’re going to want to use clock_nanosleep() as its more advanced features and functions sufficiently covers the requirements of most realtime applications. Unfortunately, the clock_nanosleep() function is a rather low-level function, whereas the hrtimer routines are nice, high-level, but not necessarily portable. Also, it appears that there is nothing hrtimer can do that you can’t do with building a front-end on top of clock_nanosleep(). So, let’s go ahead and create such a simple wrapper implementation.

Typically, you should use CLOCK_MONOTONIC since typical realtime functions such as scanning a display, scanning a keyboard, controlling a motor, and so on, mainly require that the task be done periodically within some bounded response time. The long-term synchronization with wall clock time is unimportant for most such tasks, and the potential clock jumps that might be required to bring the clock into sync with wall clock time would cause a failure to meet a realtime deadline. Only if it’s more important to keep in sync with wall clock time such that time jumps can be justified should you use CLOCK_REALTIME.

20181228/DuckDuckGo linux run thread on high resolution timer tick
20181228/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi hrtimer

So, the final, but most important, question that has been left unanswered. How do you access GPIO pins in a platform-independent way on Linux in C? Now that’s a trick question. There are mainly three different ways to access GPIO pins on Linux in a C user-mode process.

  1. Export the pins via sysfs and access them under /sys/class/gpio/gpio0, etc.

  2. Access the pins via mmap() of the /dev/gpiomem file.

  3. Access the pins via mmap() of the /dev/mem file, with the range limited to the range of physical memory that contains the GPIO data.

Apparently, the performance of approaches #2 and #3 must be identical, otherwise the popular python-gpiozero Raspberry Pi GPIO library might not prefer to use /dev/gpiomem in its native implementation. Likewise, python-gpiozero has a class implemented for accessing GPIO via sysfs, but nowhere does the higher level code link to that low-level implementation. Although these direct memory access methods are the faster way to access GPIO pins (the only intermediary is the virtual memory address translation system), they are not as portable as the slower sysfs method.

20181228/DuckDuckGo linux gpio

These two links are good sources for information on how to use sysfs to control GPIO pins. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like sysfs GPIO pin control includes the ability to set the pull-up/pull-down termination capability of the SoC (system-on-a-chip), but maybe I just have to investigate further.


Here are the GitHub repositories for the Python gpiozero module and the RPi.GPIO module. The former is the popular high-level interface to GPIO from Python, the latter is the preferred low-level, optimized, C implementation with CPython bindings. Great references if you want to learn mainly how to interface with the GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi for the sake of writing realtime C code that interacts with GPIO.


So, that being said, I’m wondering. Has someone already went out and written a nice kernel-mode driver for scanning a calculator-style matrix keyboard and multiplexed 7-segment display for Linux?

Failed search.

20181228/DuckDuckGo linux driver raspberry pi 4 digit 7 segment led display 16 key matrix keyboard

Finally, another consideration. Like I said earlier, one of the main problems with realtime execution is poorly programmed drivers. Luckily, Linux makes this problem relatively easy to trace down by displaying realtime kernel threads in the process listings from either ps or top. So, how does this picture look on a default install of Raspbian fron NOOBS? I ran the following command to get an idea of the default realtime thread resource consumption on Raspbian 8.0 “Jessie”.

ps -eLo rtprio,pid,user,args

I’ve found only realtime thread: rtkit. What’s that? Searching on the Internet, others have been surmounted with panic and fear. “It’s a rootkit!” Now, actually it turns out to only be one of those annoying GNOME abstraction-style services: the purpose is to allow user-mode processes to request realtime execution resources via DBus without requiring elevated or root permissions. The main process that uses this is PulseAudio. So, suffice it to say, this is nothing that you really need to worry about interfering with realtime execution. In the past, however, some users have reported that this is responsible for freezing their computer. Some commentators have also noted that this could host an opportune security vulnerability to breach.

20181230/DuckDuckGo rtkit


  • Discussion on double-buffering for read. Need separate double buffers for read buffers and write buffers.

    KEY ASSUMPTION: there are only two users of the double-buffering system. The realtime thread, and the non-realtime thread. If there can be more than two non-realtime users, their access patterns must be coalesced to effectively be a single user. The key problem that you could otherwise have is two user threads reserved both of the two double buffers.

    Concurrent read access as-is is perfectly fine. Concurrent write access does not work, on the other hand. A more elaborite multi-use front end must be coded up. For keyboards and modern desktops, we’ve learned that there should be limits to concurrent read, namely that of the keyboard focus mechanism. Only the alternative global hotkey mechanism, typically bound to a function key, makes logical sense.

    So, you have a few stages.

    1. Realtime hardware scanning/polling loop
    2. Realtime preprocess, i.e. change event generation and debounce filtering
    3. Realtime event queueing
    4. Host operating system event queueing
    5. Application event processing

    However, if this is generalized to the circular buffer concept, then you simply only need to make sure that the realtime thread has its own two slot reserved: current and past. Or you could use a memory allocation generalized concept for circular buffers…

    Okay, I’ll stop there. That’s definitely too complicated for realtime control loops. Double buffering is the limit on the bridge between realtime and non-realtime. The only other change we may support? Rather than fixed buffers, you have a “double buffer” of pointers, the pointers in the two slots being able to be rewritten as you please. Due to the realtime code needing to save the old pointer, we’ll need a method where the realtime code can signal that it’s completely done with a buffer, but it doesn’t get freed until the non-realtime code starts.

    Wait, we have a quick exit in this case. The latent hold will only happen in the last moments during a swap buffers call. Therefore, all buffer allocation and freeing can happen entirely on the non-realtime side.

  • TODO: Update discussion. Assumption that realtime thread runs on same CPU as non-realtime thread. If they are different, then what? Then you can get problems where sending a signal would interrupt the realtime thread in progress. Also, in this case, continuing to run the other thread until it exits its locked section is not as bad.

  • Go up the stack on keyboard controllers. After scanning the keyboard matrix to determine the current state, you want to translate this into scancode events. The first step is to generate a stream of changes between matrix scan images. The second step is to debounce this, if necessary. Finally, you send the processed stream of key change events to higher level software.

    ADVANCED: Driver for a general-purpose Linux keyboard input that can type on the console and in Xorg.

JJJ TODO UPDATE 2019-11-06:

The pthread method of setting realtime priority was lamely not working for me, so I had to go with a Linux-specific approach instead. Example code here.

20191106/DuckDuckGo sched_setscheduler thread

Also, clock_nanosleep() does not place under realtime priority timer interrupts. At the very least, try using the timer_create() and similar functions instead. Failing that, go with hrtimer() and last resort, snd_hrtimer().

Also update, how do you do clock_nanosleep() using busy waiting rather than context switching? If you specify a time interval less than 2 ms, a busy-wait will be performed without context switching. Otherwise, the total latency time is rounded up to the next kernel timer tick. This is where you’ve got to have that custom compiled kernel with the higher resolution timer ticks, 250 Hz, 1000 Hz, and so on. The big problem is, if you only have a 100 Hz kernel timer tick, your realtime frequency limit is generally 50 Hz.

20191107/DuckDuckGo linux realtime nanosleep without context switch

Also, to find out your current Raspberry Pi’s configuration, do this:

sudo modprobe configs
gzip -dc /proc/config.gz >config-`uname -r`

20191107/DuckDuckGo raspberry pi view kernel config