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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Server lift? Does Wikipedia have any information about that? Unfortunately, no. On the other hand, I read some interesting information about Usenet.

Again, I reiterate, because this is important! Usenet is a very important part of the history of the Internet. Although the technology per se has fallen out of favor nowadays, it has influenced many important parts of Internet culture. Why, that’s an understatement. Even in areas that are far displaced from “Internet culture,” some of the terminology that has originated from Usenet, such as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is used as serious business work terminology.


UDP = Usenet Death Penalty? Interesting, although obsolete.


Endless September, enternal September. The original Usenet community had an outdated understanding of the scope of the Internet, one where new users only reach as far as new college campus recruits. Interestingly, as mentioned by some of the external links, AOL users on Usenet were immediately labeled as a nuisance, independent of the content of their messages or their behavior. Also, AOL spend a lot of money to send out all those CDs with a free AOL subscription for a month on them.
