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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

The other Jessi Lang


Categories: twitter   motor-vehicle  
Tags: twitter   motor-vehicle  

As is classic with Twitter, there is always more than one person that you know who has the same name. So, there is one person from Twitter that I’ve been reading their tweets from Twitter that you may know of as Jesse Lang, and sure enough, there is another Jesse Lang on Twitter, more than one, matter of fact. So, who is this other Jessi Lang? Sometimes I think of this other Jessi Lang as an “alter ego” of the Jesse Lang I know. The Jesse Lang I know likes to ride around a motorcycle every once and a while. This Jessi Lang, by contrast, is a real “gearhead” car geek.


This Jessi Lang also experienced the extreme of a near fatal motor vehicle collision. I believe it happened on the German autoban, while test-driving a prototype car at high speed and a lower speed car careened out in front of them. But wow! Can those autoban accidents be quite severe, where inexperienced and highly experienced drivers may be sharing the same road. No wonder why there are no autobans in the United States like that. Sactioned racetracks are definitely a safer place to test-drive cars at high speed.
