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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

So, to verify. I’ve suspected that ABS plastic contains endocrine disruptors. Well, indeed ABS plastic does pose health hazards to humans, although that is not only because they contain endocrine disruptors. ABS plastic is short for acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. The main suspected endocrine disruptor in this mix is butadiene, which is also used in synthetic rubbers. The most common synthetic rubber is SBR, styrene-butadiene. For both of these materials, styrene is a suspected endocrine disruptor and known carcinogen under extreme exposure. Butadiene is also a designated carcinogen. This risk also extends to polystyrene plastic. Additionally, acrylonitrile is suspected of being possibly carcinogenic to humans.

“Teratogen” is one of the words Wikipedia uses to refer to chemicals that interfere with growth and development.

Another word on the uses and purposes of the constituent chemicals in ABS plastic. Acrylonitrile is used for additional strength and bonding. Butadiene is a rubbery substance used to provide additional toughness, even at low temperatures. Styrene is used to provide a smooth, shiny, and impervious surface.


So, about your homegrown experimental knowledge about the chemical composition of erasers. What does Wikipedia have to say about this? Is there agreement on your conclusions? Indeed, there is. Wikipedia mentions that vinyl is one type of material that is popular to use for bar-style erasers. The photo shows white erasers, but what Wikipedia doesn’t say is that the pink bar erasers are also PVC. However, the cheapest erasers mounted onto pencil caps are typically made from SBR rubber, and are desgined to be harder than the bar erasers so that they can stick to the pencil cap.

As a side matter, this would explain why pink bar erasers fade to white in the sun, but car tires do not. The dyes in the PVC eraser fade away to turn to the pure white color of the PVC material itself, but as car tires do not fade likewise because they are made of SBR rather than PVC.


So, that one company that, for a moment, you thought it’s name directly advertised/advocated for Bisphenol? They’re name is Bissell, after the founder’s last names. Ha, so not quite, although close.


Worthy of note is also polyurethane, also used where rubbery substance properties are desired. Polyurethane looks like it could transform into an endocrine disruptor, due to the inclusion of 6-member carbon rings.
