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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Here I go again, yet another article from the Mr. Money Mustache blog. “What if everyone became frugal”? Would the economy collapse? Not so. Actually, things would work out just right, maybe even better. Some of the current issues that the United States is experiencing may be closely related to consumerism.


Again, I reiterate, because this is important! Mr. Money Mustache has also wrote a blog article on the science of human time perception, with a personal twist. His perspective of being an early retiree has brought to him many moments that made him feel like he has experienced a whole human lifetime in only a very short amount of time, maybe having experienced even more than a whole human lifetime.


Now I list a few other interesting links to articles I’ve read through. Constant optimization, habits, your free time is valuable, the advantages of biking, and other financial independence groups? Well, they go by quite reasonable names like ChooseFI.

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