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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Now, this is interesting. Uber released an open-source, web-based autonomous vehicle visualization toolbox. Again, technology-wise, this is nothing new. It’s just that… unfortunately, due to the long history of proprietary game software and in-house tooling in this area, there has been traditionally very little code reuse between companies and intended use cases. So, to step around this, Uber had to redevelop all of this software from scratch. Yuck, it’s a bummer, conceivably I can see how many hundreds of people’s time has effectively been wasted over the decades, but ‘tis the nature of the old order of proprietary software development. The proprietary source code is kept secret until the old companies are going out of business, for lack of profitability due to being in the wrong sector of the economy, at which point the original source code is lost and destroyed. Then, a new player has to rebuild it all from scratch.
