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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Very interesting. Foldable smartphones are here. Bendable screen devices are coming. At the end of the day, I must say this is more about novelty than about practical functionality. A foldable screen smartphone honestly isn’t that much different than, say, a Nintendo DS with two folding panels that contain separate, non-foldable screens.

20190308/DuckDuckGo Samsung Galaxy Fold

Chicken eggs? A genetic modification could ease testing for male/female among egg laying breeds. Currently, the fastest, easiest, and cheapest method is to check after hatching and send the males off to meat grinders.


Now, this is the article I’ve been waiting to read. Smart homes are being forced upon apartment tenants, and they are not liking the new worries of the invasion of privacy and potential data sell-offs to advertisers. Indeed, it is really happening today! In California, of course. Other places of the United States are not nearly as overly eager to jump forward to the future before the technology is well developed.

For modern style smart gadgets, stories abound of hacking the devices, many due to compromised passwords. Now, that’s something that you don’t get happening with the more traditional means of firmware engineering.
