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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Software test, testing, unit tests, integration tests. Yes, these are things that we do all the time, but most of us don’t really understand what we are doing. What language should tests be written in? What if you want to implement the same software in a different programming language? How do you different implementations of the same software written in different programming languages in a language-agnostic way?

Here is where a little bit of formal theory on software test can come to the rescue.

Let’s start at the very foundation of software test, and work our way up from there: hardware test. The fundamental definition of a modern digital computer is that it is composed out of a discrete number of logic components and has a discrete, finite amount of digital memory.

Combinatorial Logic

Combinatorial logic is simply a composition of discrete logic components that calculates and output from an input by means of implementing a certain Boolean logic function. Other related names and concepts are first-order logic and propositional logic. To rigorously test combinatorial logic, one simply needs to iterate all possible inputs and record all outputs. You will get a corresponding truth table. Now, the means of test is simply checking if the resulting truth table is the same as the expected truth table. If so, your test passes. Otherwise, it fails.

Noteworthy in the discussion of combinatorial logic is also that of optimization. In general, if you generate the truth table of a combinatorial logic function, you can use that to generate a minimal physical gate-wise implementation of that Boolean logic function.

Sequential Logic

Now, what about sequential logic? At first, the idea of testing sequential logic may sound tricky, but the trick to remember is the foundational principles that I’ve mentioned about digital computers: A modern digital computer has a discrete, finite amount of digital memory. Another word used to describe such systems is finite state automata. A finite state automata is a machine that can transition to a finite number of different by certain defined rules when processing a stream of input. Since a modern digital computer has a finite amount of memory, it by definition has a finite number of states. Specifically, the number of different states a computer has is 2^n, where n is the number of bits of rewritable memory the computer has. Finite state automatas, by definition of the pumping lemma, will eventually cycle through all possible states if fed a long enough and complicated enough stream of input. Importantly, the length of such a stream of input is itself also finite. Because of this, you can in fact prove that sequential logic with a finite amount of memory is also effectively the same as combinatorial logic by a mapping reduction. So, to rigorously test sequential logic, simply feed it a crafted stream of input that causes it to cycle through all possible states.

A computer microprocessor is simply a sequential logic machine. Intuitively, the stream data input for a computer microprocessor is the stream of machine code instructions it processes, so a computer microprocessor can simply be tested rigorously by running a sufficiently crafted computer program. Of course, I/O bus and memory input may also need to be included too.

Unreachable States

A noteworthy observation separating the pure theory of testing finite state machines from practice is that of unreachable states or dead states. An ideally designed finite state machine only has the capability to encode strictly the states which are needed, and for which transitions into such states are designed. Any excess states in the ideal design would imply unnecessary costs in the physical implementation. Therefore, excess states in the ideal design are a focus area for the sake of optimizing sequential logic.

Worthy of note, however, is that the de facto standard of digital computer memory for state storage as a string of binary bits means that the total number of states encoded must be rounded up to at least a power of two, which will on average cause 50% of encodable states to be dead states. In practice, bits are grouped into 8-bit bytes, and the total number of bytes is typically constrained to at least power of two. On top of that, typically the size chosen is not simply the minimal size needed to implement an application, but rather the cheapest packaged integrated circuit size available on the market, which means there is even more overshoot in the total number of encodable states.

Also, sometimes in the real world, systems are deliberately designed to encompass a little bit of extra state for the sake of improving computational efficiency. Take for example the case where you need to encode a 3-state variable and a 5-state variable. In order to make fetching the values of either variable simple in hardware, you’d encode them as an independent 2-bit vector and a 3-bit vector, for a total of 5 bits. Technically speaking, you could have encoded the same state information using only 4 bits, since the total number of states needed is 3 * 5 = 15. However, doing so would make extracting the variable values much more computationally expensive to retrieve since arithmetic multiplications and divisions would be required.

Another key difference between the ideal theoretic world and the real world is that random memory errors can arise in computer hardware, forcing the state machine through invalid state transitions and potentially into otherwise unreachable states. Depending on the reliability of the computer hardware and the scale of the intended applications, the hardware may be explicitly designed to track redundant state that is used for the sake of error detection and correction. The goal, simply put, is to reduce the probability of random memory errors causing an invalid state transition.

For the sake of comprehensive testing, how do you know for certain in a sequential logic circuit if some state is dead state?

  • If some extra memory for internal state is available, but is clearly never used, you know that comprises dead state.

  • Another approach is to analyze the data flow paths for independent memory modules as follows. If some internal state data is generated, but there is absolutely no data flow path such that the internal state data could affect the output state data under test, then that internal state data can be eliminated.

  • The last and trickiest dead state cases to look for are those where there is memory where all bits are used, but not all permutations of bits are used. An easy illustrative example is a loop where an 8-bit counter variable is used, but it is constrained to never exceed the value 10. To identify these cases, you need to take on a degree of rigor in proving that you’ve identified all valid state transitions, and no valid state transition will ever lead into this possible state. This entails looking at some state memory in question, and tracing backwards to identify the input sources.

    In the simple case, you’ll trace backwards and find some combinatorial logic that determines the value to store into the state. If the combinatorial logic is wired directly to input data, you can simply prove all possible states by running the truth table on the combinatorial logic function.

    If there are sequential feedback loops with internal state, that’s where things get more complicated. The rigorous, but potentially excruciatingly complex, way to appraoch this is to build a map of all states that have been reached under exhaustive input and runtime testing. Eventually, for all possible cases of continued runtime, you will reach a cycle to an already visited state, at which point you can stop. Due to the pumping lemma, this guarantees your search will be bounded and finite. At this poimt, you’ll know clearly which states are reachable and unreachable.

Key Concepts of Hardware Test

Thus far, we can describe testing as comprising the following systems and concepts:

  • The hardware design under test. This is a discrete and finite hardware specification.

  • The test script input. This is a discrete and finite data specification of input to feed the hardware under test.

  • Expected test output. This is a discrete and finite data specification of expected output data to compare against the recorded output data.

  • The test harness or the test bench. This is a discrete and finite hardware specification that connects to the hardware under test and is responsible for feeding the script input, recording the test output, and comparing the expected output with the recorded output. The test harness may also be responsible for checking if all possible inputs and intermediary sequential logic states were covered, and if not, computing the number or proportion of states hit or missed.

  • By definition, a test harness itself is only rigorously tested on the input side. The output side is not rigorously tested because out of all possible test failures that could happen, not all failures are observed during development.

Embedded Software Test

Now, let’s keep moving up the stack. By the concepts of embedded systems, we know that any discrete, deterministic digital logic hardware design can also be implemented in software. So, therefore, all of the previously mentioned statements about hardware can also be extended to software.

However, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves at this point. Remember what I said about the testing of sequential logic? In order to do a rigorous test, you must traverse through all possible states. In the case of computer software, this includes not only the main memory and that software works directly with, but it also includes processor state. Yes, that also means all register values and all processor condition code flags. What about sub-instruction internal pipeline registers?

Now, as you see, as we’re traveling up the stack, rigorous testing is getting more and more complicated. As you can imagine, taken to the extreme, rigorous testing would imply that you need to test an impractically large number of cases.

Let’s also be clear about this simplifying assumption for the subsequent discussion: For software test of the embedded systems, all embedded software is stored in read-only memory (ROM). This ensures that the software instructions do not comprise the memory of the finite state machine that needs to be rigorously tested for the sequential logic under test.

Unit Testing

So, what is a way out of the problem of excessively complex testing? Basically, you need to make a system of assumptions that is termed as unit testing. The main idea with unit testing is to break apart the testing of a system design into modules. Especially in complicated sequential logic systems, if it were mapping reduced down to an equivalent combinatorial logic design, the duplication of identical sub-modules throughout different branches of the combinatorial logic would be imminent. If you’ve already tested every single possible input and output of this sub-module in one branch, do you really need to test it again in another branch?

The primary idea with unit testing, at the outset, is to start by focusing on only rigorously testing the lowest level modules. Another key tenent of unit testing is that of functional equivalence. Say you have two different implementations of the same functional module. If you can show that the same input rigorously tests both modules and they result in the same expected output, you’ve proven them to be functionally equivalent, so the two can be swapped out for each other in a higher-level system with no change in overall system behavior. In some cases, your alternate module may be more complicated and need a more rigorous test to completely cover its behavior. In that case, you should develop the new test, then run the new test on the old module and verify that the more rigorous test also produces identical results on the old module. Once the lowest-level modules are tested and known to work, you move up the stack and start testing the higher-level modules that make use of the lower-level modules.

Now, this is where the theory gets interesting. How do you efficiently test the higher-level modules without needing to exhaustively test the lower-level modules that are included? This is where the concept of functional equivalence is key. The goal is that you want to devise a simpler module such that when it is swapped in place when testing the higher level code, the overall test is functionally equivalent, but simpler, faster, and more efficient to execute. At the outset, understanding how to correctly prove this is tricky, but key to understanding correctly.

Look at the higher level module’s internal code, and note all areas where there is state information that would need to be rigorously tested. Remove the already tested state information internal to the lower-level modules. The state information that remains is what needs to be rigorously tested for that particular higher-level module. Devise tests that can run with the original module that will cover all of thsoe possible states. Once those tests are working, you can now look at how the lower-level modules are used. Chances are that you’ll see their full behavior is not exercised by the higher-level module.

In this case, you can swap out the lower-level modules with mock modules. These are simplified module implementations that are designed to only produce identical results when used under the specific conditions of the designed test. You must be able to prove that this is strictly a shortcut for using the lower-level modules. Namely, out of the limited number of ways the lower-level module may be used, you can swap out the original module for the mock and the results will be identical either way. In other words, I’m also saying that you should write unit tests for mock modules.

Now, let’s revisit what I said about testing the test harness itself. Although you cannot rigorously test the output side of a test harness, you can get complete unit test coverage the output side.

Now, don’t be too surprised here. My previous explanations thus far might sound like they’re pretty modern in terms of software test, but to be clear, I was only talking about comprehensive test of software written in assembly language thus far, running on a simplistic, non-pipelined CPU.

So, first of all, let’s get the question of pipelined or non-pipelined CPU out of the way. This question can be answered by means of rigorous testing. First, devise a rigorous test that covers all of the possible states of the pipelined CPU. Now run that same test on the non-pipelined CPU. If the results are identical, you have proven that the pipelined CPU is functionally identical to the non-pipelined CPU. This proof is key simply for the sake of making the higher-level testing of software simpler through the means of swapping modules of functional equivalence. With this proof in place, you only need to consider the state information of the simplest, equivalent CPU in order to faithfully account for all necessary state information when testing software written in assembly language.

More Embedded Software Test Considerations

Second, let’s take some time to discuss an additional consideration with testing embedded software written in assembly language. Previously, I’ve covered the concept of dead state, which is sometimes a disadvantage, other times a deliberately engineered advantage. A special case of dead state with embedded software written in assembly language is dead code. Fundamentally, the primary dead state is the fact that the program counter of the CPU does not iterate over every single memory address. Analyzing deeper, of course you don’t have a single-byte instruction at every memory address. But, out of all potential instruction addresses that could be iterated, some may be always skipped and never used. This is where your dead code lies: it is the instructions that can never be executed. Dead code, unlike dead state, is almost never advantageous. The goal of a programmer writing a well-tested program is to make sure there is no dead code within it.

Previously I’ve mentioned that for sequential logic, you need to do a fairly rigorous test coverage of the available states. Is such a rigorous coverage of available states also necessary for embedded software written in assembly language? Surely, code coverage by the instructions is good enough, since assembly language programs will only have significantly different behavior under branching. As a matter of fact, test coverage of the available states is necessary for assembly language software too.

Here is a prime example to consider. Suppose you have a Boolean variable that is either one or zero. You take that variable, multiply it by another variable, add that to an accumulator, then multiply another variable by the complement of the Boolean value and also add that result to the accumulator. As a matter of fact, you’ve implemented a “conditional move” instruction without any explicit conditional or branching instructions. If you were to further perform an arithmetic comparison to determine whether a test passed or failed, merely getting 100% code coverage may fail to uncover a potential failing test case. A similar case also applies were you to only use bitwise operations. So indeed, coverage of state data is also needed, whether it be in unit testing or rigorous integration testing. In practice, in order to avoid needing rigorous test coverage of every area of the code where arithmetic is performed, most software test relies on as much of the concept of unit testing as possible for those particular low-level operations.

Anything is possible, there is no end to the cleverness you can put into causing conditional data flow with seemingly non-conditional instructions. To put the point in hand succinctly, you can simulate a gate array design of a microprocessor using a loop with no conditional instructions.

By modern, conventional programming standards, however, such use of state change that results in branching behavior is considered unnecessarily esoteric. If arithmetic operations are performed that result in behavioral branching, they should be done using explicit branching instructions. There are, of course, a few exceptions, namely if you are writing performance-critical code or designing some sort of programming language interpreter. As a programmer, the best you can and should do is to clearly document the intent of branching and conditional behavior if you are deliberately designing your software for such.

Suffice it to say, rigorous testing of data flow patterns and states in modern software is a grand challenge that can, under some circumstances, be simplified through the proper use of unit testing. Further evaluation of this problem will be left to a later article.

High-Level Programming Languages

Now we can move further up the stack. What about programs written in high-level programming languages? Fundamentally, the simplest such definition is that of a compiled high-level programming language. The software is translated from the high-level language to machine code, so then the tenents of assembly language test can readily be applied there. Unfortunately, this is where we run into our primary problem. Unlike assembly language, most high-level programming languages do not allow full access to all processor state. Suppose you perform an arithmetic addition operation. How do you handle the overflow if you don’t have access to that processor state flag?

In general, the way around the issue of inaccessible low-level processor state when writing software in high-level programming languages is by a method of programming in which the inaccessible information is effectively dead state: either the inaccessible state bits never get changed by the software, they can be proven to be duplicate information that the high-level software can access by other means, or you can simply prove the additional state information to be irrelevant to the data flow of the high-level software.

Machine Arithmetic Considerations

Curiously, the main stumbling block in high-level programming languages such as C is also an equal problem when programming in assembly language: machine arithmetic. The default mode of machine arithmetic that the C programming language assumes is that of wrap-around arithmetic. Wrap-around arithmetic is fine for some applications, but for most applications, it produces an unexpected discontinuity. Namely, the following mathematical invariants are not withheld by wraparound arithmetic.

  • a + b > a && a + b > b

    • Adding numbers can wrap-around overflow and result in a smaller than expected number.
  • a > 0 && b < 0 && a - b > 0

    • Subtraction of negative numbers can result in an addition that will overflow.
  • (-a) + a == 0

    • Two’s complement negation can result in wrap-around overflow. If sign extension to a larger integer type is subsequently used on the wrap-around overflow results before adding, then the mathematical invariant will not be withheld.
  • a > 0 && b > 0 && a * b > a && a * b > b

    • Wrap-around overflow with multiplication.
  • a > b && b < 0 && a * b < -a && a * b < b

    • Wrap-around overflow with multiplication.

So, what mathematical invariants are always withheld by wrap-around arithmetic?

  • 0 < a < b && b - a > 0
  • b < a < 0 && b - a < 0
  • !(a == INT_MIN && b == -1) && a / b
  • a % b

As a programmer, these mathematical invariants are more tedious to maintain in code, but if withheld, then they will result in mathemtaically sound arithmetic.

  • INT_MIN / 2 < a <= b <= INT_MAX / 2 && a + b
  • INT_MIN / 2 < a <= b <= INT_MAX / 2 && a - b
  • sqrt(INT_MIN) < a <= b <= sqrt(INT_MAX) && a * b

In practice, the easiest way to maintain these invariants is to limit the range of all input variables to equations to much less than (sqrt(INT_MIN), sqrt(INT_MAX)). If no multiplication will be performed, the limits can be more generous to something much less than (INT_MIN / 2, INT_MAX / 2). The idea is that you want to easily detect that operands are within limits before an overflow occurs, so that an overflow can never occur.

Some other modes of arithmetic that are useful for programmers, but not the default in the C programming language, are the following:

  • Saturating arithmetic
  • Exception on overflow arithmetic
  • Arbitrary precision arithmetic

Because of these issues, many programming languages that are higher-level than C do not wrap-around arithmetic by default, although this comes at a performance cost. By far, the biggest performance issue with arbitrary precision arithmetic is that the computational time to perform an arithmetic operation is not bounded within a fixed deadline time. Exception on overflow arithmetic is the most developer-friendly. Saturating arithmetic is typically only used in formally and rigorously designed algorithms.

Bitwise logic, by contrast, is typically not a stumbling point for programmers.

Software Test Language

Speaking of high-level programming languages, sure, the languages used to write software are well understood, but what about the languages used to write tests?

My previous discussion defined software as embedded software, a special case of sequential logic hardware. Within this framework, the primary means of testing software was by the means of a test script input and a test harness. The test script input was simply defined to be serial communications stream of data, and the test harness was simply responsible for feeding that into the hardware or software under test. Indeed, these definitions as-is can be readily extended to software written in high-level programming languages, but typically in software land, things are done differently.

In software land, software is typically written a procedure at a time. Then, when a developer wants to test their software, they typically approach it by doing so one procedure at a time. Sure, in the hardware world, combinatorial and sequential logic can be tested one module at a time too, by connecting that one module to a test bench. But, what makes software different is that software developers are much less likely to think about serialized input streams when testing software procedures. Rather, they think exclusively in terms of the parameters passed to the procedure through its calling conventions and defined data structures, as set forth by the high-level programming language. In practice, this means that typical unit tests for software procedures are written in the same programming language as the software itself. The concept of testing procedures across different programming languages is a foreign one that does not apply to most software unit testing.

However, there is a modern software equivalent in regard to the traditional means of hardware and software test. First of all, especially for web servers and web services software, serial communications is back in the vogue. Once you make a TCP/IP network socket connection to a server, your request and response follows that of a byte stream similar to standard input and standard output on Unix, which is ultimately based off of hardware serial communications. Therefore, the data transmitted across this connection must be encoded in a well-defined language. Ultimately, this makes software test of web services just as programming language agnostic as hardware test and embedded software test is.

History Before Web Services

Before the advent of web services, there were a variety of scattered, fragmented, but related concepts as to how to interoperate software written in different programming languages. Initially, the primary focus was not on interoperating software written in different programming languages, but merely interoperating software running in different processes or on different computers. The first foray of this dinosaur era was that of the Remote Procedure Call (RPC). The concept of an RPC, as was observed in historic practice, was mainly as a means of issuing requests to other processes, possibly running on remote computers, with identical syntax and semantics as a standard procedure call in the high-level programming language would be. Following this, there was quickly an explosion of buzzwords on related technologies: Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Component Object Model (COM), Distributed COM (DCOM), Active Template Library COM (ATL COM), Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), and I’ll stop there. The point in hand was that a lot of technologies and jargon was created, but very little of it had very much widespread application use.

What was the purpose of creating all of that jargon and technology that, for the most part, “failed in the market place”? Understanding the context of these developments is key here. All of these technologies were, by far and by large, exclusively the developments of the few large enterprise software companies. Due to their pedigree of being developed so early in the history of computing, they had to be. When earlier computers were so much less featureful and so much more expensive than today’s computers, who else could afford such large, distributed networks of such computers? And I’m just scratching the surface when I put forth that question. Not only was the available user base for the technologies small, but the practical implementation of these technologies in their own right fails to impress. Unlike a respectable Internet application protocol that is text-based, all of these earlier technologies use binary network protocol. What else could people imagine affording when the early network technology was so slow?

But, the final, end-all, be-all point to make about the early context is that of the programming languages. With so few people involved in computer programming in the earlier days compared to today, less software than is available today, and less programming languages out and about than is the case today, what other high-level programming language would they use than C and C++? Yeah, there were some claims that the previously mentioned technologies helped ease the gap between other programming languages such as Fortran and Lisp, but by far and large, this was definitely an obscure minority use case, not a mainstream way of using the touted technologies. At the late end of the early endeavors, a lot of advanced C++ programming language features started being included in the previously mentioned technologies, which are considered by most to be “unnecessarily esoteric.” By contrast, other more modern programming languages provide for a high level of interaction, without being regarded as unnecessarily esoteric.

Defining Features of Web Services

Now, let’s cover the modern world that is massively adopted in more detail. What are the defining elements of modern web services interaction?

  • Web services, by definition, are implemented as HTTP requests, typically termed as REST APIs. Typically, a text-based object-oriented data definition language is used to specify data in the request and the response, except when large multimedia data is required. The most popular such format is JSON. XML is used for some specialized cases.

  • Procedure call abstraction is not paramount. There is not a primary effort to abstract away the fact that an HTTP request must be made in order to effect the desired function. Rather, these are steps that are made explicit to the programmer using the web service in question. Either the programmer must pack up the request using standard HTTP request invocation code and libraries, or they must deliberately include a convenience wrapper library that packs up function-call style bindings to make the HTTP request invocations.

  • It is very common to use languages other than C and C++ to implement the software on both ends.

  • An Interface Definition Language (IDL) is not used to specify the semantics and calling convention of a web service. Rather, this specification is provided solely by means of programmer’s reference documentation, which is typically generated via a documentation generation tool such as RAML.


The typical remark related to software testing is that programmers never test their software enough. Indeed, some of the aspects of this analysis of totally formal and rigorous testing has shown that to be true on a deeper level. Current software test methodologies in mainstream software on mass market are, at the very least, good at testing some of the programmer’s intents. However, much of the uncovered ground in software test is not much different from the uncovered ground in hardware test, namely that of rigorous state analysis. The greatest problem that arises that makes behaviorial testing difficult is the possibility of the machine acting as an instruction interpreter. When this is deliberately the case, a comprehensive test of the system can be quite challenging. Noteworthy is that this can theoretically occur even when it was not the intent of the designers. The Spectre and Meltdown microprocessor defects are perhaps the most illustrative in the challenges of rigorous test in the design of complex, powerful, modern CPUs.

I have started writing this article hoping that I could provide a completely formal and rigorous coverage of how to do software test right, when most people seem to not fully understand it or get some things wrong. In the end, I have rehashed some challenges that are very hard to get right, and I will need to revisit this subject to discuss it in more detail.

One thing that I did want to discuss in this article that I’ve ended up doing quite a good job discussing is software test in high-level programming languages. A prime issue that I wanted to tackle was the tendency for software tests to be specific to one programming language and not portable to another. I have provided an excellent explanation for a way out of this problem, not just from a standpoint of “I have a solution that nobody else is using,” but rather by putting into context other ways of testing that are very popular today that do successfully sidestep this problem. This is great if you want to write some identical software in multiple programming languages and be sure that you are running the same tests across all such implementations.

Overall, hopefully this article will serve as great guidance if you are looking for ways to improve the quality by which you develop and run software tests.