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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Now, here’s a challenge. Say you’ve got an old 1990s PC running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, or so on. How do you copy a hard disk image from that computer over the network? The previous methods that I have given assumed the ability to run GNU/Linux, which is undisputed in the modern computing world. But, the 1990s GNU/Linux world was a world far away from the world of GNU/Linux that we know of it today. By far and by large, most people got started by installing GNU tools on their existing operating system, but before they could get any further to trying out a full GNU/Linux, their PC was already obsolete and they were upgrading to a newer one that would have come pre-installed with Windows XP. Here, they would have had no fear doing the risky steps of repartitioning the hard drive on the fresh install of the new computer, not to mention the later genre of computers had much more homogeneous hardware and therefore better driver support by Linux. But, most importantly, the newer hardware was much more powerful, so running even modern GNU/Linux distributions on 2000s era hardware is a breeze.

But, nevertheless, there were still a significant number of people willing to take the challenge to get Linux installed and working on 1990s era PCs, and when they did get it working, they got it working quite well and it was useful for a large number of tasks. So, challenge ahead of us, how do you get started?

For the cautious, first take a look at the next section “Linux kernel considerations” before you continue. For the impatient, first head over to “Your first GNU/Linux boot on the old hardware,” then come back to read “Linux kernel considerations.”

Linux kernel considerations

First of all, and this is important, we want to know this: what specific hardware does the PC have? Like I said, there’s a lot more diversity in hardware in 1990s era PCs than 2000s era PCs. The easiest way to start here is to boot up Windows 9x and head on over to the Device Manager. Take a good careful look at the device names provided and note down all device names and the names of the driver files used for the devices.

Next, head on to your Linux kernel source code. Which version? This is important. First of all, we must be punctual in emphasizing this point. Newer kernels are generally more bloated: they contain more lines of code, the compiled kernel images are bigger, and the operational kernels require more pinned, unswappable RAM.

If your kernel is too big to fit on a boot floppy disk, that’s going to make your life so much harder. 1990s era PC CD drives are not capable of reading CD-RW discs, so if you want to use the CD drive, you need to burn a CD-R disc, and if you want to make changes to your burned CD image? Tough, you need to burn another CD-R disc. Also, be weary of network booting Linux on 1990s hardware as may require even more RAM, not to mention you’re going to need to use a boot floppy disk anyways as your 1990s era PC probably doesn’t have network booting built into its BIOS or network card ROM. So, remember that booting 1990s Linux for starters with an existing Windows installation generally means building a Linux boot floppy or using LOADLIN (covered later).

More pinned, unswappable RAM may not be that bad of an issue if you’re only inching up a little bit, but past certain point, this causes a tremendous blow to application performance. Unmodified 1990s era PCs are generally already pretty starved on RAM capacity for applications, so you want a kernel with as small of a pinned RAM footprint as possible, and even so, you’ll be relying on a regular amount of swapping to get typical applications moving through your 1990s era PC. Although, I must note, minimalistic GNU/Linux live CDs successfully sidestep need for swap space.

Finally, there is the driver equation in newer versus older kernels. In general, newer kernels contain more drivers, but sometimes there are exceptional circumstances where newer kernels deprecate some drivers or a ton of drivers. The transition from kernel 2.4 to kernel 2.6 resulted in the deprecation of a lot of drivers pertinent to 1990s hardware, not to mention that kernel 2.6 is twice as bloated by memory consumption during operation. However, I must note that for my particular hardware I was investigating, I happened to find all the necessary drivers and hardware support available in kernel 2.6. But, point in hand, the overriding decision is that kernel 2.4 works best on 1990s hardware. If you want to be even more miserly on memory at the expense of driver support and other complications, you can also try using the even older kernel versions.


So, now that you’ve selected your 2.4 kernel (Debian Woody, year 2002, Debian Sarge, year 2005), unpack the source tree and search around in it to verify you have drivers for all your essential hardware. If you’re hardware is like mine, you should be fairly fortunate and find that you have drivers for the following:

  • Intel 386 compatible CPU with 32-bit protected mode, of course!

  • IBM PC compatible, DOS compatible MBR boot BIOS, of course! Technically this is a bootloader matter and not a kernel matter, but your kernel and bootloader must be compatible with each other!

  • El Torito CD-ROM boot, i.e. via virtual bootable floppy disk image emulation. Direct bootable CD-ROM images are not supported.

  • Standard PC “Super I/O” chipset, of course: keyboard, mouse, floppy disk controller, parallel port, serial ports, game port, programmable interval timer, real-time clock, and possibly more

  • Console-mode text, VGA/SVGA Linux framebuffer.

  • Advanced Power Management (APM), and perhaps support for additional power management controllers (???)

  • PCI IDE (a.k.a. “Parallel ATA”) hard disk controller, typically from widespread PIIX/ICH chipsets support, sometimes from SiS 5513 driver or others.

  • ATAPI CD-ROM support is similarly widely standard in drivers, basically covered by the IDE controller support drivers.

  • Ethernet network interface controller (NIC) drivers, of course Linux has no shortage of these!

  • Audio drivers, handled by ALSA. Many cards are supported, which is important as 1990s era audio was heavily nonstandard in hardware interface and relied on drivers to make them work across all software.

  • USB support, basically only two drivers are needed for two massively adopted flavors: Intel-based Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI), or the open industry standard Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI). UHCI USB interfaces are slower than OHCI USB interfaces because UHCI relies on more software processing for the interface, so don’t expect too much out of your PC’s USB if it says UHCI.

    Of course, with USB, once your interface is working, peripherals are all downhill thanks to standardized USB classes and peripheral interfaces.

  • Display drivers in detail are handled by user-mode programs such as Xorg or XFree86, but this is generally something you need not worry about getting started since standard VGA/SVGA works on virutally all graphics cards. The main caveat you get for not having the right display drivers in Xorg/XFree86 is the inability to use display mode power save (DPMS).

  • Printer drivers in detail come from user-mode programs such as Ghostscript, CUPS, Foomatic, Gimp-Print, Gutenprint, and so on.

  • Scanners are handled via standard TWAIN drivers, Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE), and so on. Generally, you should not have problems accessing your scanner, although there are some scanners that are finicky due to needing custom TWAIN drivers.

Hardware for which drivers in particular tend to be missing:

  • Soft modems, i.e. “winmodems,” which rely on software signal processing drivers that were only ever developed for Windows.

  • 3D graphics acceleration? Well, let’s state that you’re generally not going to have that unless you search really hard and are lucky. In general, graphics cards of the time provided a lot more in the way of 2D graphics acceleration, and any 3D acceleration was relatively rudimentary compared to today’s cards, of course.

  • Specialized hardware peripherals such as CNC routers, astronomy telescopes, assembly line process control, and so on are controlled by custom user-mode programs, of course!

So, you’re off to a pretty good start in terms of hardware that is likely to be supported out-of-the-box on a prebuilt Linux kernel image and initrd. If additional drivers are missing, you can find the pre-compiled kernel modules and insert them into your initrd, possibly kicking other drivers out that you don’t need to keep the size within bounds.

Let’s also quickly discuss filesystems. ext2 is the gold stadard for 1990s era Linux installations. In general, the newer filesystems (ext3, ext4, xfs) are more powerful and therefore consume more kernel resources to operate. Be careful about how you build an ext2 filesystem, though, as newer tools may build the filesystem using size parameters that are incompatible with the older kernels. So, start out with ext2, and if that works well, you can experiment with the others.

Now, with all this discussion about kernel, you might want to compile your own kernel. Be forewarned that you will also need to use a “period accurate” toolchain to compile Linux 2.4, namely gcc 2.95.3 and binutils Why? The Linux kernel uses GCC “proprietary” extensions, and compatibility for these was not maintained between the versions.

I’ll let you in on a tip not generally mentioned online: sometimes, you can use gcc up to the latest minor version of the 3.x.x just fine to compile anything that compiles under gcc 2.95.x, with the minor annoyance of several warnings that certain programming contructs are flagged as deprecated. But, as soon as you upgrade to the gcc 4.x.x series, these warnings will become errors. But, in any case, if you want to build an older version of gcc, you proceed via a “cross-compilation” method of gradually stepping backwards in time, using one compiler to compile an older compiler not more than one major version apart.

20190404/DuckDuckGo compile linux 2.4

Another thing you’ll probably be tempted to do is to use a modern embedded standard C library in place of an older version of glibc. However, I also have to warn you on this because the modern embedded standard C libraries, naturally, are built with a more modern set of assumptions in mind. Many memory allocation sizes may default to larger quantities that work just fine on modern embedded systems, but can be quite a stress for 1990s era PCs. So, here’s my advice. If you want to use an embedded C library, do strive to be a bit “period accurate,” although you need not shy away from modern embedded development techniques where we know better. I picked a 2008 era uClibc to use, and it worked quite well. In order to be more modern in development, instead of rebuilding gcc etc against uClibc, I copied and modified the code from musl libc to create a custom gcc specs file (for gcc 4.4.3) to use uClibc in place of the standard C library. Keep in mind that if you are static linking user mode programs with embedded C libraries, you won’t get some fancy things that are expected on PCs like LDAP/NIS support.

Finally, a kernel discussion is never complete without a user-mode discussion. Thankfully, the Linux kernel has strived to maintain a compatible system call interface over the decades, so most user-mode programs should work out-of-the-box, so long as they are compiled to be compatible with your specific CPU and ELF object file format. Statically linked binaries are as easy as that! If there are shared libraries involved, then you need to make sure that all shared libraries are available and compatible, but honestly that is not a matter between the kernel and user-mode programming interface.

Your first GNU/Linux boot on the old hardware

So, that was a lot of useful background information, but how do you get started with ease? Just as was the case with 2000s era PCs, Knoppix is your go-to live, bootable CD distribution to get started with GNU/Linux. However, we need to throw in a twist to fit into the smaller, cramped memory space available on the older PCs. For this, there is an old stripped down version of Knoppix called Damn Small Linux, or DSL for short. The fate of DSL has been the fate of many small-time early Linux projects: discontinuation. Nevertheless, it is still a useful tool for our purposes.

Download the DSL ISO image here, courtesy of Wikipedia:


To ensure that your optical disc is readable by the vintage CD-ROM drive, make sure you burn this image onto a CD-R disc, not a CD-RW disc or any other newer technology. There’s a reason why the newer technologies are not compatible with the older ones!

If you are of a different kind of impatient and don’t have a blank CD-R disc and CD-R burner drive on hand, you can do this nifty trick instead. Unpack the DSL ISO image. You will see this file hierarchy:


Copy the KNOPPIX folder to your FAT32 Windows 9x hard drive so that it looks something like this:


Now, copy boot.img to a 1.44 MB floppy disk:

diskcopy boot.img A:\

Use your 1.44 MB floppy disk as your Linux boot floppy. DSL will scan the available drives and pick up your hard drive installation just as if it were the “CD-ROM” drive. This is known as “poor man’s install.” Congratulations, you’re booted!


Finally, if you don’t have a floppy disk on hand, you can use LOADLIN from MS-DOS.


First download yourself a copy of the latest version of LOADLIN to ensure it works with 2.4 kernels.


Historic reference can be found here:


Next, perform the following steps.

  • Unpack loadlin-1.6f.tgz to the C:\KNOPPIX\loadlin-1.6f directory.

  • Unpack the contents of boot.img to the C:\KNOPPIX\boot directory.

  • Copy loadlin.exe to C:\KNOPPIX\boot\loadlin.exe.

  • When creating the following text files, be careful to make sure that lines are terminated with carriage-return linefeed pairs, otherwise LOADLIN can have funny problems reading the argument response file.

  • Create a command-line response file named C:\KNOPPIX\boot\knoppix.txt that looks like this.

vmlinuz /dev/ram rw lang=us ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init apm=power-off hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi hdh=scsi vga=791 initrd=miniroot.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix

This has been copied out of the knoppix menu entry in SYSLINUX.CFG inside of boot.img. If you would like to mimic one of the other boot menu options, you can copy the corresponding command-line instead.

Create a batch file named knoppix.bat that looks like this:

loadlin @knoppix.txt

At this point, you can try booting into MS-DOS. Hold down the (left) Control key during the early boot of Windows, and you will get a boot prompt menu. Select “Safe mode command prompt only” and you will proceed to boot to a DOS prompt, with minimal drivers loaded and maximum memory available. If there are extra drivers loaded or insufficient memory available, LOADLIN may fail to properly boot Linux. Now you can execute the LOADLIN batch file to continue booting into DSL.

For fancier boot menu configuration, you can take a look at the more detailed documentation on LOADLIN and the TLDP HOWTO.

Building a minimalistic netcat

By now, you should be able to boot your old PC into Linux, verify that you have the necessary disk drivers and network drivers loaded, and ultimately verify that you can access the hard disk device directly and the network. But, you’ll note that the netcat command is missing from your DSL installation! Oh no, how much effort do you have to put in to bring this into the old world? No worries, the process is actually rather easy, I’ll show you how.

First of all, let’s state the environment, our requirements, our objectives, and how we’ll move forward on them.

  • We want a way to easily set up a build environment for building new programs to run on the old hardware. For this, we will borrow techniques from the modern embedded software development world to effect a cross-compile of compatible binaries to the older hardware.

  • If your modern PC is of an x86 or x86-64 CPU architecture, there is no need to rebuild gcc. Alternatively, if you already have an existing x86 or x86-64 gcc cross compiler, you can simply reuse that. Thanks to our modern embedded software development knowledge, we know that you only need to build gcc once per major processor architecture. Additional differentiation (such as little endian versus big endian, 32-bit versus 64-bit, glibc versus musl libc, etc.) can be obtained simply by specifying flags in a gcc specs file.

  • As we have discussed earlier, thankfully, the Linux system call interface has been extremely stable over the decades, so in general, there is no need to worry about cross-compiling targeting a specific Linux version. If it’s any Linux version, it’s all Linux versions!

  • For maximum ease of cross-compile, we will be targeting statically linked binaries. In order to save as much space as possible with this requirement, we will be using an embedded C library. In order to be as period accurate as possible and in order to save RAM, we will use an older embedded C library. Namely, I picked uClibc version 0.9.30 from 2008.


  • We will be using small amounts of code from musl libc 1.1.10 (year 2015) to help us put together a gcc specs file and a gcc-uclibc command. This will allow us to easily call gcc and use our “period accurate” uClibc library when we want to compile software for our old computers.


  • There are two main versions of netcat: netcat-openbsd, a much more modern and more powerful version of netcat, and netcat-traditional, the original and simple version of netcat. For the obvious stated reasons of striving for simplicity and compactness, we will work with netcat-traditional. Simply download the unmodified netcat 1.10 tarball from (Despite the name nc110.tgz, it is actually a XZ-compressed tarball.)


So, with all that in place, let’s get rolling.

First, download all the pertinent software previously referenced.

curl -L -O
curl -L -O
curl -L -O
curl -L -o nc110.tar.xz
mkdir build

Now we will build uClibc. As a minor technicality, I found that I had to patch up the process like follows.

cd build
tar -zxf ../uClibc-0.9.30.tar.gz
cd uClibc-0.9.30/

# Make sure at least a blank `.config' exists before starting.
touch .config

# Change `getline()` to `ucgetline()` to avoid a name collision with
# `glibc`.  Also define `_ASM_X86_POSIX_TYPES_32_H` in
# `libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/kernel_types.h` so that we don't get
# erroneous redefinitions when the equivalent system headers are
# included.  Also, there's another weird change that I don't fully
# understand that is required to assemble with newer Binutils.  Watch
# the tabs in this patch!

patch -p1 <<EOF
diff -Nurp uClibc-0.9.30.orig/extra/scripts/unifdef.c uClibc-0.9.30/extra/scripts/unifdef.c
--- uClibc-0.9.30.orig/extra/scripts/unifdef.c	2008-04-27 18:10:00.000000000 -0500
+++ uClibc-0.9.30/extra/scripts/unifdef.c	2019-04-05 23:39:55.952344119 -0500
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ static void             done(void);
 static void             error(const char *);
 static int              findsym(const char *);
 static void             flushline(bool);
-static Linetype         getline(void);
+static Linetype         ucgetline(void);
 static Linetype         ifeval(const char **);
 static void             ignoreoff(void);
 static void             ignoreon(void);
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ process(void)
 	for (;;) {
-		lineval = getline();
+		lineval = ucgetline();
 		debug("process %s -> %s depth %d",
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ process(void)
  * help from skipcomment().
 static Linetype
 	const char *cp;
 	int cursym;
diff -Nurp uClibc-0.9.30.orig/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/kernel_types.h uClibc-0.9.30/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/kernel_types.h
--- uClibc-0.9.30.orig/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/kernel_types.h	2008-07-23 06:23:36.000000000 -0500
+++ uClibc-0.9.30/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/bits/kernel_types.h	2019-04-05 23:31:04.449902687 -0500
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #if !defined(__ARCH_I386_POSIX_TYPES_H) && !defined(_ASM_X86_64_POSIX_TYPES_H)
 #define _ASM_X86_64_POSIX_TYPES_H
 #define __ARCH_I386_POSIX_TYPES_H
+#define _ASM_X86_POSIX_TYPES_32_H
 typedef unsigned short	__kernel_dev_t;
 typedef unsigned long	__kernel_ino_t;
diff -Nurp uClibc-0.9.30.orig/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/crtn.S uClibc-0.9.30/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/crtn.S
--- uClibc-0.9.30.orig/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/crtn.S	2005-07-06 17:22:22.000000000 -0500
+++ uClibc-0.9.30/libc/sysdeps/linux/i386/crtn.S	2019-05-27 12:33:01.546066659 -0500
@@ -2,21 +2,23 @@
 .section .init
 .global _init
 .type   _init,%function
 	popl	%ebx
 	popl	%ebp
-.size _init,.-_init
+.size _init,.-_ucl_init
 .section .fini
 .global _fini
 .type   _fini,%function
 	popl	%ebx
 	popl	%ebp
-.size _fini,.-_fini
+.size _fini,.-_ucl_fini

Note that I was executing the compile on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS distribution, so you may need to make further modifications. If on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, you do not have gcc-multilib installed, no worries, you can simply symlink the /usr/include/asm directory as follows:

sudo ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm /usr/include/asm
sudo ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits /usr/include/bits
sudo ln -si /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/* /usr/include/sys

Now configure uClibc. The main things you want to adjust is architecture, included features, security, and PIC. For our sake, do not exclusively build PIC, but also build position-dependent code. Basically what this means is that object code locations are determined at link time and then fixed at runtime (or relocatable by the means of a relocations table), which is good enough for us. When we compile it all as statically linked, this really doesn’t matter for us, but it makes things easier.

make menuconfig

For reference, these are the differences in the config file I used compared to all default selections.

# TARGET_alpha is not set
# DOPIC is not set
# HAVE_SHARED is not set

Now build it. The process should run smoothly to completion.

make -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`

Install it to your desired installation prefix as follows.

make install PREFIX=$HOME/dsl/build/tools

Now, using the referencec in musl libc, build your gcc specs file and launcher as follows.

sh musl-1.1.10/tools/ \
  $UPREFIX/include $UPREFIX/lib \
  $PREFIX/lib/ | \
  sed -e 's/-nostdinc //g' \
    -e 's/^-dyn/-m elf_i386 -dyn/g' \
    -e 's/ %{shared|pie:crtbeginS.o%s;:crtbegin.o%s}$//g' \
    -e 's/^%{shared|pie:crtendS.o%s;:crtend.o%s} //g' > \
mkdir -p $UPREFIX/bin
cat <<EOF >$UPREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc
exec "gcc" "\$@" -specs "$UPREFIX/lib/uclibc-gcc.specs" \
  -march=i686 -mtune=generic -m32 -fno-stack-protector
chmod +x $UPREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc

-fno-stack-protector is used since we won’t have the necessary libs to link against. Add -march=i686 -mtune=generic -m32 as necessary. At the very least, you need to at least be compatible with Pentium II, if not older. uClibc defaults to i686, but set to i486 to be on the safe side, as that is what DSL also supports.

Compile a simple Hello world and verify that it runs on your native Linux kernel.

echo 'main() { puts("Hello world!"); }' >hello.c
$PREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc -static hello.c -o hello

Congratulations! You’ve built yourself a vintage-ready “cross” compilation environment. Feel free to use the specs file with your native gcc compiler, even if it is version 5.x.x or newer, for compiling software, so long as the source code can build without error. In particular, for the sake of building netcat-traditional, there is nothing you need to worry about in terms of gcc version.

So, that being said, let’s get to that. First, you make a few minor modifications.

cd netcat-1.10.orig/
sed -i -e "s|^CC = cc|CC = $PREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc|g" Makefile

# This patch is ONLY necessary if you are building off of the Ubuntu
# 10.04 LTS (or equivalent Debian) `netcat-traditional`, WITHOUT
# Debian patches.  The latest upstream nc110 incorporates this fix.
# Unfortunately, the latest upstream nc110 also requires IPv6, and
# that can cause problems when compiling against an old libc.

# Watch the tabs in this patch!
patch -p1 <<EOF
diff -Nurp netcat-1.10.orig/netcat.c netcat-1.10/netcat.c
--- netcat-1.10.orig/netcat.c	1996-03-20 18:38:04.000000000 -0600
+++ netcat-1.10/netcat.c	2019-04-06 00:01:00.453900191 -0500
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include "generic.h"		/* same as with L5, skey, etc */
+#include <resolv.h>
 /* conditional includes -- a very messy section which you may have to dink
    for your own architecture [and please send diffs...]: */
 /* #undef _POSIX_SOURCE		/* might need this for something? */

Now you just type make linux.

Now you have yourself the statically linked binary that you were looking for! Simply copy this to your KNOPPIX directory, and you will be able to execute the binary after you’ve booted Knoppix. Enjoy the ease and comfort of sending hard disk images over the network using virtually the same tools you are familiar with working in a more modern environment. But, there are two main caveats.

  • You will have to use gzip for compression as DSL does not have bzip2 inmstalled. You can build yourself a bzip2 if you really want it. Or, better yet, avoid using compression because on old, slow computers, it slows down network transfers rather than speeding them up (unless your network is a dialup connection).

  • When using netcat traditional, you must use the -w 1 option on the sender to get behavior similar to the netcat-openbsd version. That is, the program will terminate once all data has been sent, and both sides will close the connection.

Is the transfer running slow? Wonder why? Unfortunately, in practice, on these old vintage computers, compression is more likely to slow down the transfer, rather than speed it up. Simply prefer to do a transfer without compression.

Networking is probably the bottleneck, not disk speed. Despite the claim your computer may have about 100 Mbps Ethernet, real world performance is probably going to be lower than this.

Use mii-tool to check the negotiated Ethernet link speed, which is installed in DSL.

20190407/DuckDuckGo linux procfs ethernet speed

Let’s step it up a notch. Now we want to also build GNU Screen. Of course, we choose GNU Screen in preference of tmux because GNU Screen is older, and hence better tested in these environments. But first, you need to compile ncurses, just as is required for any fancy terminal program.

I’ve grabbed the sources from my Ubuntu distribution, using the following versions:

  • ncurses-5.7+20090803
  • screen-4.0.3

However, I did not apply any of the distro-specific patches for my builds.

In either case, download and unpack your sources, then build them easily like so:

cd ncurses-5.7+20090803/
./configure --without-gpm --without-cxx-binding --without-ada \
  CC=$PREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc CFLAGS=-static \
  --prefix=$PREFIX \
  --with-terminfo-dirs=/usr/share/terminfo \
make -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`
# Install is weird when we're trying to say that our target system
# already has a terminfo database, so don't bother building one.
make install
rm -rf ~/.terminfo

That was easy. But for GNU Screen, we have to throw in a few tricks. First, we must fix a bug of a sort in the naming within uClibc causing a name collision.

mv -i $PREFIX/include/sched.h $PREFIX/include/psched.h
sed -i -e 's/sched.h/psched.h/g' $PREFIX/include/pthread.h

We also have to define some compatibility functions that are not defined in uClibc. Simply add them onto the tail of screen.c.

cat <<EOF >>screen-4.0.3/screen.c

char *
index(string, c)
char * string;
int c;
  return strchr(string, c);

char *
rindex(string, c)
char * string;
int c;
  return strrchr(string, c);

bzero(block, size)
char * block;
int size;
  memset(block, 0, size);

bcmp(a1, a2, size)
char * a1;
char * a2;
int size;
  memcmp(a1, a2, size);

Now we can build like normal:

cd screen-4.0.3/
./configure --disable-pam \
  CC=$PREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc CFLAGS=-static \
  LDFLAGS=-static --prefix=$PREFIX
make -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`

--disable-pam is only effective if you include Debian patches, but it doesn’t hurt to include it in either case. Reduces dependencies to make cross development easier.

Copy a nice .screenrc to your target machine for your convenience and you’re all set!

Now, some peculiar notes on running GNU Screen. In old Linux such as DSL or other bespoke distributions you add regular user write-access to /dev/ptmx, because we compile screen to use /dev/ptmx (SYSV PTY control file) because uClibc doesn’t provide access to the openpty() syscall.

sudo chmod go+w /dev/ptmx

When running as root, you’ll get this other error of something like “Cannot write to /var/run/utmp: Invalid argument”, but that can be ignored and you’ll still be able to start just fine.

But it works! And it is a reasonably small executable, the statically linked uClibc and ncurses libraries doesn’t put too much overhead in there.

Okay, now time for the ne ultra experiment.

Do a test drive in a virtual machine as follows.

Using VirtualBox? Setting up the serial port isn’t as nice, but it’s doable. Enable the serial port, point it to a Unix domain socket file (a.k.a. “pipe”), and enable creating it if it does not exist. Attach to it on your host side as follows:

( stty raw -echo && nc -u /tmp/vboxcom )

QEMU is easy, just attach GNU Screen to the PTY file, or even easier if you are using virt-manager.

Now, in DSL, you can attach to it as follows:

sudo su -
screen /dev/ttyS0 9600

But wait! In DSL, there is a more “native” way available for doing likewise. Use microcom as follows.

stty -F /dev/ttyS0 9600
microcom -D/dev/ttyS0

Alas, be forewarned that you cannot escape the ~ character when using microcom. This is the special command character for microcom.

F.Y.I. Find the microcom source code here. The software has since vanished from its original location.

20190519/DuckDuckGo microcom software

For ultimate fun, open getty on it. Now, correctly running getty from the command line is tricky because you must not have any terminal allocated from the context that you are running getty from, or else you will have strange problems like Bash complaining that you don’t have job control and curses terminal programs like less behaving wonky. But, you can do this as follows.

sudo passwd damnsmall
# Set a known password so you can SSH.
ssh -T damnsmall@localhost sudo getty /dev/ttyS0 9600 vt100

N.B.: For newer versions of getty, you might need to use only ttyS0 instead of /dev/ttyS0.

Alternatively, you can use setsid.

sudo passwd damnsmall
# Set a known password so you can login.
sudo setsid getty /dev/ttyS0 9600 vt100

Note that setsid runs a detached command that will not block the current shell, unlike ssh that will wait for getty to exit, so if you want a loop that continuously shows getty on the serial terminal, ssh is better.

UPDATE 2021-03-07: By far the best way to run getty is with sudo su -c 'getty ...'. This ensures you don’t have weird problems like /dev/tty never being created like can happen with ssh -T ....

Congratulations! Now you can login to UNIX over a serial terminal. Enjoy the retro pleasure of being able to dial into UNIX just as you would have in the 1980s, but without the large telephone bills from operating a real period-accurate modem at that time.

So far, so good. Let’s step it up a notch. As an aside from another project, I happened to get a null modem serial connection between a Macintosh SE and a 1998 PC running DSL. Next on the radar is getting Kermit and ZMODEM file transfers between those two computers working, which means that I need to get those software programs compiled so that they are running in the right place. Easy, I just extend my cross-compile process to also build a statically linked binary of those programs, right? Not so fast. C-Kermit, unfortunately, is very badly rigged for cross compiling. I took a look at the build system in the ckermit Debian package and it was one that came before the cross compiling era.

By contrast, the Unix ZMODEM package, lrzsz, had an autoconf-based build system, so although I wasn’t quite able to use my preferred cross-compiling configuration for the DSL projects, I was still able to get something up and running nonetheless. Here’s what I did.

First, I was building off of an Ubuntu/Debian package as follows.

cd build
dpkg-source -x ../debsrc/lrzsz_0.12.21-10~build0.16.04.1.dsc
cd lrzsz-0.12.21/

If you want to cut down on a lot of the size of the executable, compile with a “null” gettext implementation rather than the included gettext by removing the --with-included-gettext option from the configure command line and by applying this patch:

# Note that we simply added these functions into an arbitrary file
that is linked into both `lsz' and `lrz'.
cat <<EOF >>src/zperr.c

char *bindtextdomain(const char *domainname, const char *dirname)

char *textdomain(const char *domainname)

#ifndef gettext
char *gettext(const char *src_str)
  return src_str;

char *dcgettext(const char *domainname, const char *src_str, int category)
  return src_str;

Now we can configure and make, but first we have to do something funky to get past some sort of bug in the autotools build system that looks to be caused from feature deprecation and version incompatibility. (Note that we run the same commands that are used in debian/rules to mitigate this.)

CC=$PREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc CFLAGS=-static \
  ./configure --with-included-gettext --prefix=$PREFIX
touch # to stop autoheader from running
touch -d yesterday aclocal.m4 # to stop automake from running
make CC=$PREFIX/bin/uclibc-gcc CFLAGS=-static -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`

Now we can simply copy out the src/lsz and src/lrz executables to our target system. Easy build, right? Enjoy!

What about Kermit? Sorry… in the time that it was taking me to investigate how to cross-compile Kermit, I figured working with ZMODEM would be more than good enough for my uses, and besides, many more hobbyists worked with ZMODEM than Kermit, so its more “authentic” for my target vintage environment of a home computer user, and it appeared as a consequence, the available software was better maintained anyways, so why mess around with Kermit if I don’t need it for now?

Sure, I’ll eventually find a reason for why I need to use Kermit in DSL, but not today.

Other miscellaneous notes

  • tomsrtbt is another great, but older and more feature limited, option for a minimal boot image on early PC systems.

  • Alternative to blockdev in tomsrtbt:

    # Hard drive C:
    cat /proc/ide/ide0/hda/capacity
    # Hard drive D:
    cat /proc/ide/ide0/hdb/capacity
    # CD-ROM drive E:
    cat /proc/ide/ide1/hdc/capacity

    You’ll get the drive size in 512-byte blocks. So, divide by 2 (multiply by 512, divide by 1024) to get size in KiB.

    # Only works for hard drives:
    cat /proc/partitions

    You’ll get the size in KiB.

  • Link to the excellent old dd resource I found a while back.


  • tomsrtbt does have a video blanking timer configured in the kernel, so that will save your screen during long transfers.

  • Likewise with DSL, it will save your screen during long transfers.

Boot time considerations

  • Kernel 2.2? versus kernel 2.6? Faster boot? It actually does not boot that much faster. Less RAM? It actually requires approximately the same amount of RAM. Look to tomsrtbt. Requires a 1.722 MB floppy in the easy case. Reformat a 1.44 MB floppy disk to this size. Of course you need Windows 9x for this, not those newer Windows XP or the like. Or you could use Linux, but then there is a chicken-and-egg problem. (If you want to play with different format densities, you generally need a real internal floppy disk drive, not a USB floppy disk drive.) Otherwise, you can jury-rig this to also boot via LOADLIN from a FAT32 hard drive. Show us how!

    loadlin bz2bzi~1 root=/dev/ram rw initrd=initrd.bz2


    Also, although nc is included, blockdev is missing. dd is heavily reduced, no conversion options, so use if you are confident you have no bad sectors.

  • Eliminating decompression would help speed up booting. But then you will need to crunch down to even smaller images for floppy disk boot. Speeding up hardware probing, probably by reducing the number of drivers available, also helps reduce kernel image size. Then the last major time sinks are inevitable: basic kernel initialization and DHCP configuration.

Comparison of memory requirements

  • DSL works well in 16 MB of RAM. Theoretically its capable of running in 8 MB, but doing so comes at a performance cost.

  • tomsrtbt also works well in 16 MB of RAM. To run in 8 MB, you may need to restructure to run off of a root filesystem on disk rather than in RAM, and maybe even crunch down the kernel by compiling a custom version.

  • 4 MB is the bare minimum memory required to run Windows 95. 8 MB is preferred for reasonable performance. 386 is the bare minimum supported CPU, but 486 is strongly preferred due to the 32-bit I/O bus and other performance improvements.

  • You can try crunching Linux kernel 2.2 down to 4 MB of RAM, but if that doesn’t work, you may need to work with an older kernel version.

My reflection

Working with has been an interesitng experience for a computer moderner who wasn’t able to be exposed to early generation Linux when it was modern at that time. My reflection? Newer is not better, it’s just different. Despite the difference, there is a compatibility range. But, most importantly: The main reason why the new ways cannot be done on the old hardware is because the memory requirements are too bloated. CPU speed is largely not an issue, except in areas where compression is used more extensively in the newer software.