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What happened to VirtualBox on Trisquel?


Categories: unix  
Tags: unix  

Trisquel 10.04 LTS included VirtualBox, I could install and use it easily, and all was well, except that maybe it was a bit more buggy in the emulation than QEMU, or maybe that was just due to my old laptop having buggy VT-x. But in the newer versions, it is not to be found in the package repositories. Why is this? Purportedly, it was removed because its BIOS implementation requires OpenWatcom to compile, which is not Free Software due to its license. Therefore, they cut VirtualBox out completely. Debian also cut VirtualBox from the Main repo. But no worries, QEMU is still available, purportedly because it is more politically correct.

Earlier versions of VirtualBox could use bcc. But in later versions, they switched to OpenWatcom because they touted that bcc didn’t have all the features they needed.

Though because of this overall, time and time again, people are asking for VirtualBox on the Trisquel forums, and it keeps needing to get re-explained. Old habits die hard.

20190903/ — codename: broken-cmdinst-trisquel layout: post title: Broken command line installer in Trisquel date: 2019-04-17 22:16 -0500 author: quorten categories: [unix] tags: [unix] —

In a hurry, I was hoping I could do a minimal command line install of Trisquel for some software development work with Golang and Docker in a virtual machine. Unfortunately, I ran into a serious roadblock. debian-installer was failing to load the libc6 udeb. After searching around, this was caused due to some mal-planned updates, and although there was a fix out in Debian upstream, unfortunately it didn’t quite make it to Ubunntu, and ultimately the version of Trisquel I was using. Very annoying, all these politics that must happen, but that was the way it was.

20190417/DuckDuckGo trisquel failed to load libc6 udeb