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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

There’s more than one way to build a front panel control switch. A front panel control switch is one level up in sophistication above the absolute lowest layer, a patch panel used to wire together functional units or define memory tables, like was done on the ENIAC.

The oldest way to design a front panel control switch is to use a series of switches and lights to set both the address and data, or view the data contents at a particular address. Slightly better is to provide a means to auto-increment memory addresses.

The COMSAC ELF was a particularly influential example of a front panel control switch within the reach of the hobbyist computer space. Previously,, these front panel control switches were only seen on large and expensive mainframe or minicomputers that were well beyond the reach of an individual person’s financial means.


The COMSAC ELF’s front panel control switch was designed as follows:

  • LOAD, enable or disable progam/data load mode. When program load mode is disabled, the current address is set to zero.
  • Input (IN), increment the current address
  • Memory Protect (MP), enable/disable memory modification
  • RUN, initiate the CPU to run your program
  • Data toggle switch 0
  • Data toggle switch 1
  • Data toggle switch 2
  • Data toggle switch 3
  • Data toggle switch 4
  • Data toggle switch 5
  • Data toggle switch 6
  • Data toggle switch 7

Note that the Altair 8800 also uses a similar front panel control switch. The IMSAI 8080, by contrast, does use a more ergonomic design.


Now, let me pitch in my own ideas after looking at some of the previous designs and thinking about this. First of all, the COMSAC ELF uses 12 switches for its input methodology. But, come on! You could just as well do the same with a 16-key matrix keyboard with 10-digit keypad, plus provide for a better user interface. Indeed, a hexidecimal keypad was provided as an expansion.

Okay, but here’s my idea, inspired by the Comptometor keyboard. Rather than providing separate keys for hexidecimal A through F, you could just use a sequence of two decimal keys added together to compute the hexidecimal value, and it is rather straightforward. 9-1 corresponds to A, 9-2 corresponds to B, and so on. And for simple decimal digits, you simply key in 5-0 or the like. You enter a sequence of such digits to fill out an entire data or address, and the input cursor wraps around so you can overwrite your old input in case of a mistake. Then, of course, you can display the values on a standard 7-segment digital display.

Now, we add the additional control buttons as follows.

  • Toggle view/set address mode versus view/set data mode (A)
  • Previous address (<)
  • Next address (>)
  • RUN

In total, this is 14 switches. Also, my design calls for a multiplexed 4-digit 7-segment LED display with a few indicator LEDs. Slightly more complex for sure, but I think the enhanced expressive power and user experience is worth it, plus it can still be built using relatively simple discrete digital logic electronics modules, before you delve into writing complex logic that demands running on a full-featured CPU.

Speaking of early computer input interfaces, let’s also revisit the TV Typewriter, which was also purportedly interfaced with the COMSAC ELF. So, how does it work?

  • Keyboard: Matrix scan design with circuitry to convert to ASCII codes.

  • Video screen control: Shift register memory with all TTL logic modules for control. No microprocessor or RAM is used. Character data must be in some sort of ROM, with TTL logic for address computation.

  • Serial communications came on an additional module that was not included in the base design.

  • More features included cassette tape data recording interface, hard copy, and internal modems.


In the early days of microcomputers, the TV Typewriter was a great way to get a higher level interface to your microcomputer. However, it does require more support logic such as a basic “monitor” program that would need to be entered into your microcomputer via the front panel control switch. But the point is, we’re still talking about hardware that can be wired up by hand… or assembled using relatively primitive machinery (i.e., assembling the character PROMs).

  • Footnote: Please note: Early terminals like the TV typewriter do not have brackets and braces characters, so writing C code with them is rather difficult. The least esoteric way is to substitute braces with begin and end keywords. What about brackets? BASIC uses parentheses instead, but that is already taken in C. Technically, you can program in the C language with pointer arithmetic in place of brackets. My best suggestion is to define a macro BK(var, idx) that amounts to using brackets by means of pointer arithmetic. On more modern computers, this can be automatically substituted with the more modern syntax. In general, when special characters are missing, I would recommend using macro syntax instead.

    All C characters that have digraphs or trigraphs: # \ ^ [ ] { } ~

Again, I reiterate, because this is important! So, the gameplan for early computer development is as I have been previously stating it.

  • First you need your most basic switching components, and a whole lot of them. You put them in an array and connect them up to a patch panel.

  • Then, at your patch panel, you wire your switching components together to create a CPU.

  • You also need a whole lot of random-access memory (RAM). The most naive way to go about this is to multiply the patch panel concept for developing memory modules. It works, but it is pretty expensive and maybe not the prettiest way to do it. You could use a concept more similar to printed circuit boards since you will need to replicate the same design so many times.

  • Now you need to build your front panel control switch logic. This is explicitly simple and can be easily built by hand from basic switching components, input switches, indicator displays, and maybe also 7-segment digital displays.

  • Since you’re going to want a nice video display terminal, you’re going to need to wire that “TV Typewrite” up, with serial communications. You can do it all by hand with discrete logic. The character memory might not be pretty an initial implementation, but you can get something working.

  • You also need a television set. That can again be built all from discrete circuitry, with the vacuum tube for the CRT display being the most specialized component. But, again, that can be built using relatively simple and crude industrial manufacturing processes and tools.

  • You also need to wire up a serial communications peripheral for your computer so that you can connect with the TV Typewriter. That is pretty easy to wire up, of course.

  • At the end of your hard work that will be coming next, you need an efficient way to persistently store a lot of data in a machine-readable format. Build your persistent storage interface and connect it up to your computer.

  • Now you can connect your TV Typewriter to your computer.

  • The first thing you need to do is power on your RAM, but keep the CPU halted. Now you enter in your initial program via the front panel control switch. Your initial program, of course, is a “monitor” program that interacts with your TV Typewriter so that you can have a nice keyboard interface for interacting with memory, rather than needing to use the front panel control switch.

  • After you run your program, you can now relax and enter your more complex program via the more comfortable TV Typewriter interface. Here, your first order of business is to write a byte code interpreter, so that further programming can efficiently take place in a higher level byte code that doesn’t consume as much RAM.

  • After your byte code interpreter is written, your next order of business is to implement a high-level language text editor and compiler, with interactive execution. Traditionally, the most popular such language was BASIC, but nowadays you might want to do something more C-like, as your ultimate destination is the Unix operating system. However, for early development, you will want some BLOAD and BSAVE commands so you can easily resume later.

  • Okay, okay, so far so good. We’re at a great point now to save our work to our persistent disk storage. Switch back to your monitor program and start writing a simple bootloader in machine code. Ideally, make sure there is some magic number in the first sector that can be recognized as marking the medium as bootable, but if you don’t do this, you can compromise later. The sole purpose of this code is to fetch blocks up to the a specified size limit from your and store them in RAM. A more sophisticated disk operating system will need to be developed later. Now, use your fancy BSAVE command you’ve wrote at the higher level to store all that precious code you’ve written up in RAM to your disk.

  • Now with all your work saved, you can power off.

  • Now time to make hardware modifications so that your system can boot from disk. You need to build a pre-boot state machine for this sort of thing to work with the architecture I’ve laid out thus far. Upon the press of a new “boot” you bring to your front panel control switch, the pre-boot state machine requests connected devices to check for a bootable sector. If they return affirmative, then the pre-boot state machine copies the boot sector into the system RAM, then initiates the CPU.

    Option B is more applicable for a later generation of computers, once you have better software development tools at hand. A boot firmware ROM chip is placed at the initial address of the microprocessor execution that executes this procedure. The fallback that allows the front panel control switch to function is that the front panel control switch issues a small program that checks the status of the front panel control switch to determine if the CPU should HALT or if it should RUN. The RUN switch on the front panel control switch is then renamed to RESET.

  • Now you can boot from disk. Congratulations! You’ve got yourself bootstrapped into a reasonably sophisticated early software development environment. At this point, your first order of business, as previously mentioned, is to write a disk operating system so you can start working with significantly more data rich software development. The disk operating system is simply a series of software subroutines that is loaded into RAM and persists for the sake of being used by other resident software. In essence, it is a highly simplified operating system kernel with only one purpose: to provide convenient access to a filesystem on disk. Therefore, you can simply extend your existing spartan bootloader to also load these routines into RAM on boot.

  • Now you have to reinvent some of your software tooling to be designed in line with your disk operating system. At minimum, you need a binary editor, a text editor, a compiler, and a shell. These early programs can be entered, compiled, and tested in RAM, then transferred to your disk filesystem by writing some simple utility programs to make direct calls to your disk operating system routines.

    Or, I should put it this way. First you write the binary editor, and the binary editor has the special feature of “loading a file from RAM.” Then, your binary editor can “save as a disk file.” Tada! You’ve got yourself an easy way to transfer programs compiled in RAM to disk. The binary editor itself is the first order of business. At this point, for this rewrite, you also want to start saving source code to disk too. A similar trick can be done likewise in your binary editor to save source code to disk.

    Once you’ve got all of your binary editor, text editor, compiler, and shell written, you can modify your boot routine so that your disk operating system can run your shell on boot. How do you do this? First of all, let’s review our boot process as-is. We load code from disk, then we continue executing at the memory address immediately following our boot code. In this case, that is currently the monitor program. From the monitor program, we’ve needed to manually call into our high-level language runtime in order to keep going up to the higher levels. So, the point here is that now our disk operating system needs an entry point of its own where it has executable boot code, rather than just being a library of routines. So we write this routine so that checks the disk for the special file disk boot program (i.e. named init, autoexec.bat,, System, or the like), and if found, it runs that program. Otherwise, it returns to whatever called it, which may mean we fall back into either the monitor program or the high-level language runtime.

    So actually, we can go backwards and make some modifications to our early boot software as follows. The monitor program checks if there is a high-level language runtime available (magic number), and if so, it calls it. The high-level language runtime checks if there is a disk operating system available, and if so, it calls it. Then the disk operating system checks if there is a boot program available, and if so, it runs it. In this case, we end up running the shell, which gives visibility into the filesystem contents and, most importantly, the ability to run other programs that do useful things like edit text files and compile additional programs.

    So now we have a bit of a dilemma. We want to make this modification to our earlier developed software, but is there an easy way to do it? Surely, if we had the source code on our disk operating system, it would be an easy fix, right? But now we need to make some changes to low-level software, the monitor program, and we don’t have a low-level machine assembler. Surely the code changes would be easier with such software available, so we need multiple architecture assemblers too, right?

    Okay, okay, fine, so we need more tools for the rewrites involved. Yep, first we write an native assembler. Then we rewrite the monitor program in assembly language source code, ans assemble that to get the object code. We do likewise with the byte code interpreter, and the early high-level language runtime. Now we can easily make the needed modifications to do the boot continuation checks. We have it stored as files on disk. Now we need to the tricky thing: we need to rebuild the early portions of the bootloader on disk, potentially rebuilding the filesystem. Ut oh…

  • Save our work now and shut down. Now we will attach another disk unit to make our life so much easier. Turn on, boot up, and enter your disk operating system.

  • Now we need to build out software tools for initializing a bootable disk and filesystem from our disk operating system.

  • Once you have those tools, initialize your new disk as bootable, with your newly improved boot code. Then copy over all your filesystem files. Shut down, swap the disks so your new disk is booted from in preference to the old one, and reboot. Tada! You’ve just shown you can replicate a bootable disk from within your disk operating system. Now you could make many copies of your software to give to other colleagues if only you could have just as many computers. Alas, the computer system you were working on was the product of tedious manual labor.

  • That being said, your next order of business is to get to work on computer manufacturing automation and mass production tools. Heck, at this point, we might as well write software for photolithography to avoid needing to do too much automatic wire wrap machinery and the like.

    Suffice it to say, this means you do need the graphics software core to generate photolithographic masks and a means to control some kind of printing equipment for them too. Probably the first chips you’ll print is more RAM for your own development sake, before you move on to CPUs and the like. For the sake of modernity, you will also develop a framebuffer for your graphics operations.

  • Okay, so now you have a mass production line for computers up and running. You are mass producing the hardware and the necessary software to run a disk operating system. All is well with many colleagues using their own computers and writing much new software. No, not quite! How does everyone keep everyone else in sync with their new software? Ah, yes, people were just exchanging computer disks to get each other started. But surely, you can do better than that. For the very basic beginners, you can add more serial port hardware, create a modem, and connect the computers up over the telephone network. But who built this telephone network? Can we really assume it to just simply exist?

    Well, don’t worry. In case it doesn’t exist, the concept scales reasonably well to analog direct telephone lines without a switching station, and if it really needs be, you can use your fancy computers to build a new switching station at this point.

  • At this point in time, you can take the initiative to do the boot firmware ROM redesign that I mentioned previously, now that you’ve got a steady line of computer production running and a clear toolset for computerized development of computers themselves.

  • After many years of geekery in technology development, the computer hardware advances rapidly, graphical user interfaces are developed, computers are miniaturized, and now they’re ready to make their first foray into the non-technical computer user market. In the process of preparing for non-technical users, language internationalization and localization features and functions also need to be developed. This is no longer a geek affair, computers must be able to communicate with people in their familiar and preferred languages, not the other way around.

  • Well, not quite. We have these graphical user interface computers up and running, but not yet with any software. Next follows a long period of developing progressively more software for the graphical user interface computers. Slowly the following software is developed: raster painting, word processing, terminal emulators, diagramming software, spreadsheet software, photo touching software, presentation software, email clients, web browsers, and many games.

  • Now I’ll just leave the rest of the progression to my summary list that I cover next.

In summary, this is the interface stack progression that was described:

  1. Front panel control switch
  2. Video display terminal
  3. Serial communications
  4. Persistent disk storage
  5. “Monitor” program
  6. Byte code interpreter
  7. High-level language, with compiler, interactive interpreter, BLOAD, and BSAVE
  8. Bootloader
  9. Pre-boot state machine
  10. Disk operating system
  11. DOS binary editor, text editor, compiler, shell, assembler
  12. Disk initialization, filesystem formating, and bootable disk building tools
  13. Graphics core library, framebuffer
  14. Electronic design automation
  15. Modem file transfer tools
  16. Boot firmware ROM redesign
  17. Expanded computer capacities, graphical user interface library, internationalization, localization
  18. GUI software application development: raster painting, word processing, terminal emulators, diagramming software, spreadsheet software, photo touching software, presentation software, email clients, web browsers, and many games
  19. Expanded computer capacities, full operating system kernel, audio and video playback software, audio recording software, 3D graphics
  20. Greatly expanded computer capacities
  21. Plug and play USB webcam support
  22. Video conferencing software
  23. Miniaturization of all computer functions into smartphone form factor