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Quorten Blog 1

First blog for all Quorten's blog-like writings

Parallel increment is easy. Use a binary tree to determine whether a particular bit should be inverted. If all less significant bits are 1, then the current bit should be inverted. Otherwise, it stays the same.

Here’s how to do parallel add. All individual digits can be added in parallel, of course. The trick is to do the carry propagation using a parallel binary tree. Simply understand a carry propagation as an “increment” instruction with a carry input bit that determines whether or not to perform the increment.

Here is an example with 32 words.

  1. add 32 words, compute carry for each word
  2. carry propagation for 16/32 words, 16 “larger” words remaining to carry
  3. carry propagation for 8/16 words, 8 “larger” words remaining to carry
  4. carry propagation for 4/8 words, 4 “larger” words remaining to carry
  5. carry propagation on 2/4 words, 2 “larger” words remaining to carry
  6. carry propagation on 1/2 words, final “large” word with carry

Parallel multiply is easy. Just compute all the partials in parallel, then do a parallel binary tree add.

Parallel exponent is easy. Just do the sub-multiplies in a parallel binary tree.

Parallel divide??? Use a lookup table on the divisor to effect a parallel binary search. Now I barely even know what I’m talking about.

Okay, here’s what I’m talking about. A memory address is like a binary search solution. Each bit tells you whether to go left or right at a certain level. Now you can design a memory so that these switches can be programmed independently. If so, rather than waiting for programming the first switch to complete before you can set the next switch (sequential binary search), you can just set all possible later switches in parallel, and you only need to wait one switch setting cycle to arrive at the solution.